How to Stop Your Dog from Chewing Up Your Spiderman Crocs

dog chewing on croc Spiderman

Spiderman Crocs are a fun and stylish accessory for many, but unfortunately, our furry friends might find them equally appealing – as a chew toy! Dogs have a natural instinct to chew, and sometimes, they don’t discriminate when it comes to what they sink their teeth into. If you’ve found your beloved Spiderman Crocs in shreds thanks to your pup’s chewing habits, don’t fret. There are effective ways to redirect this behavior without compromising your shoe collection or your dog’s happiness.

Understanding Why Dogs Chew

Before diving into solutions, it’s crucial to understand why dogs chew. Chewing is a natural behavior for canines. It helps alleviate teething discomfort in puppies, maintains dental health, alleviates boredom, and can be a way for dogs to explore their surroundings. However, destructive chewing can become problematic, especially when your favorite footwear becomes the target.

Steps to Prevent Your Dog from Chewing Up Your Spiderman Crocs

Provide Adequate Chew Toys

Dogs need appropriate outlets for their chewing instincts. Offer a variety of chew toys, such as rubber bones, durable toys, and puzzle feeders. Encourage your dog to focus on these items rather than your shoes.

Supervise and Redirect

When your dog shows interest in your Crocs, redirect their attention to a toy. Use positive reinforcement by praising and rewarding them when they chew on the appropriate items.

Training and Behavioral Correction

Implement basic obedience training. Teach the “leave it” and “drop it” commands. Consistency is key; with practice, your dog will learn to associate these commands with stopping the unwanted behavior.

Exercise and Mental Stimulation

Dogs often resort to chewing out of boredom or excess energy. Ensure your furry companion gets enough physical exercise and mental stimulation through walks, playtime, and interactive games.

Dog-Proof Your Home

Limit your dog’s access to areas where your Crocs or other valuables are kept. Use baby gates or crates when you’re not around to supervise.

Bitter Apple Spray or Repellents

Consider using bitter-tasting sprays or repellents on your Crocs. These products are safe for dogs but discourage chewing due to their unpleasant taste.

Seek Professional Help

If your dog’s chewing behavior persists despite your efforts, seek guidance from a professional dog trainer or behaviorist. They can assess the situation and provide tailored solutions.


Your Spiderman Crocs don’t have to fall victim to your dog’s chewing habits. By understanding why dogs chew and implementing proactive measures, you can protect your footwear and foster positive chewing habits in your furry friend. Remember, patience and consistency are crucial in training your dog. With the right approach, you can enjoy your Spiderman Crocs without worrying about them becoming your dog’s next chew toy.

When Would a Virginia Dog Trainer Need an Education Lawyer

Virginia education law

Becoming a dog trainer in Virginia can be a rewarding and fulfilling career choice, but it comes with its own unique set of challenges and legal considerations. As with any profession, there may be instances where a dog trainer in Virginia would require the services of an education lawyer. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the specific scenarios and situations in which a Virginia dog trainer might need the assistance of an education lawyer to navigate the legal complexities of their profession.

Certification Denial or Revocation

One of the most common reasons a Virginia dog trainer might need an education lawyer is if their certification is denied or revoked. Certification is often obtained through reputable organizations such as the International Association of Canine Professionals (IACP) or the Association of Professional Dog Trainers (APDT). These certifications not only validate a trainer’s skills but also set ethical standards for the profession.

However, certification denial or revocation can occur due to allegations of unethical behavior, the use of inhumane training methods, or failure to meet continuing education requirements. In such cases, an education lawyer can assist the trainer in understanding the grounds for the denial or revocation, appealing the decision, and ensuring compliance with certification standards.

Legal Compliance for Dog Training Businesses

Operating a dog training business in Virginia requires adherence to various legal requirements, including business registration, permits, insurance, and tax obligations. Failing to meet these legal obligations can result in legal challenges and financial penalties.

Education lawyers with expertise in animal-related professions can provide guidance on business compliance, including selecting the appropriate business structure, drafting contracts, and addressing liability concerns. They can help trainers ensure that their dog training business operates in accordance with Virginia’s laws and regulations.

Disputes with Clients

While most dog trainers build positive and productive relationships with their clients, disputes can occasionally arise. These disputes may involve disagreements over training methods, outcomes, fees, or issues related to injuries sustained during training sessions.

An education lawyer can play a crucial role in mediating disputes, providing legal advice on resolving conflicts amicably, and drafting contracts and agreements that clearly outline the trainer’s services, fees, and liability. By having legal counsel, Virginia dog trainers can minimize the risk of disputes escalating into legal battles.

Animal Welfare Concerns

Animal welfare is a top priority for responsible dog trainers. However, in some instances, trainers may face false accusations of mistreatment or neglect of animals in their care. These allegations can be damaging to both their professional reputation and livelihood.

An education lawyer can help defend against baseless accusations, ensuring that the trainer’s practices align with ethical and legal standards. They can also offer guidance on documenting training sessions, maintaining records, and ensuring compliance with Virginia’s animal welfare laws.

Employment and Independent Contractor Agreements

Many dog trainers in Virginia work with assistants or independent contractors to facilitate training sessions. Establishing clear and legally sound employment or independent contractor agreements is essential to protect the rights and responsibilities of all parties involved.

Education lawyers can assist in drafting, reviewing, and enforcing these agreements to ensure compliance with Virginia’s employment laws. If disputes or conflicts arise with employees or contractors, having legal representation can be invaluable in resolving issues efficiently.

Intellectual Property and Copyright Issues

Virginia dog trainers often develop their own training methods, materials, and content, such as training manuals, videos, or books. Protecting these intellectual property rights is crucial to prevent unauthorized use or reproduction by others.

Education lawyers Virginia can assist dog trainers in registering trademarks for their training methods or materials, enforcing copyright protection, and taking legal action against infringement if necessary. By safeguarding their intellectual property, trainers can maintain control over their unique contributions to the field.


Becoming a successful dog trainer in Virginia involves not only a passion for working with dogs but also a commitment to ethical and legal standards. Given the complexities of this profession, there are several situations where a Virginia dog trainer might need the services of an education lawyer.

Education lawyers with expertise in animal-related professions can provide guidance, support, and legal representation in cases involving certification, legal compliance, client disputes, animal welfare concerns, employment agreements, and intellectual property issues. By seeking legal counsel when needed, Virginia dog trainers can ensure that they operate professionally, ethically, and within the boundaries of Virginia’s laws, ultimately contributing to the welfare of the dogs they train and the satisfaction of their clients. In the world of dog training, education and legal expertise work hand in hand to create a thriving and law-abiding profession.

How to Keep Your Dog from Destroying Your Home Theater

grand home theater lounge

For many of us, our home theaters are a sanctuary—a place where we can escape from the world and immerse ourselves in the magic of cinema. However, for dog owners, maintaining a pristine home theater can be a real challenge. Dogs, with their boundless energy and curiosity, can wreak havoc on your expensive equipment and furnishings if left unchecked. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore effective strategies to keep your dog from destroying your home theater, allowing you to enjoy your cinematic experience in peace.

Understanding Your Dog’s Behavior

Before implementing any strategies to protect your home theater, it’s essential to understand why your dog may be drawn to it in the first place. Dogs are naturally curious creatures, and they may be attracted to the cords, cables, and cozy seating in your home theater. Additionally, they might be seeking attention or attempting to alleviate boredom.

Creating a Dog-Friendly Home Theater Space

One effective way to prevent your dog from destroying your home theater is to make it less appealing to them. Consider these tips:

Cable Management: Tuck away or hide cables and cords where your dog can’t reach them. Cable sleeves, conduit tubing, or cord clips can help with this.

Furniture Protection: Invest in pet-proof furniture covers or designate certain seating areas as off-limits to your furry friend.

Secure Equipment: Ensure your AV equipment is securely mounted or placed on shelves that are out of your dog’s reach.

Training and Socialization

Proper training is crucial for managing your dog’s behavior in your home theater. Here are some training techniques to consider:

Basic Commands: Teach your dog basic commands like “leave it,” “stay,” and “off.” These commands can be invaluable in preventing destructive behavior.

Positive Reinforcement: Use treats and praise to reward good behavior. Positive reinforcement can help your dog associate the home theater with positive experiences.

Socialization: Ensure your dog is well-socialized, so they are comfortable with guests in your home theater and less likely to act out.

Managing Your Dog’s Energy

A tired dog is less likely to engage in destructive behavior. Regular exercise is essential, and activities like walks, playtime, and interactive toys can help expend your dog’s energy.

Using Deterrents

Deterrents can be effective tools to keep your dog away from your home theater. Consider using:

Pet-Friendly Sprays: These sprays emit a scent that dogs dislike, discouraging them from chewing or scratching furniture.

Ultrasonic Devices: Some devices emit high-pitched sounds that are irritating to dogs when they approach restricted areas.

Motion-Activated Devices: These devices can startle your dog with lights or sounds when they enter the home theater space.

Supervision and Crating

When you can’t actively supervise your dog in the home theater, it’s a good idea to use a crate. A comfortable crate with your dog’s favorite toys can provide a safe and secure environment while you enjoy your home theater in peace.

Regular Exercise and Mental Stimulation

Dogs need both physical and mental stimulation to stay happy and content. Puzzle toys, treat-dispensing toys, and interactive games can help keep their minds engaged and prevent boredom-related destruction.

Seeking Professional Help

If your dog’s destructive behavior in your multi channel home theater persists despite your best efforts, it may be time to consult with a professional dog trainer or a veterinarian. They can provide tailored advice and solutions to address specific behavioral issues.


Maintaining a harmonious coexistence between your beloved dog and your home theater is entirely possible with the right strategies and training. Understanding your dog’s behavior, creating a dog-friendly space, proper training, and using deterrents are just some of the effective methods you can employ. Remember that patience, consistency, and positive reinforcement are key when teaching your dog to respect your home theater. With time and effort, you can enjoy your cinematic experience without the worry of your furry friend causing havoc.

Puppy Crating

how to crate a puppy

Before you ever bring your new puppy home, you need to provide a safe and comfortable place for him to sleep. Often people overlook this step, but if you want a well-behaved dog in the future it is crucial to get him used to his new sleeping place as soon as possible. You should place his bed in a location that is out of the way but still close to you and your family.

If you choose to crate train you new puppy, you will need to provide a comfortable crate with a divider so that he is able to grow into the size that he will need to be able to be comfortable. Make sure that the crate is big enough that he can stand up, turn around and lie comfortably but not too big that he can eliminate in one corner and sleep in the other.

The idea is that your puppy will not potty where his sleeping area is. This will help him learn a schedule and help him learn to hold it until he is taken outside. Start off by placing his bed at one end and a towel at the other, then gradually move the towel closer to the door as time goes on.

When you see your puppy taking his naps inside, you need to place the soiled towel back in the bedding area and repeat the procedure with the puppy’s bedding area, slowly moving the towel all the way to the outside. This method is a bit more complicated, but provides a simple way for the puppy to learn his potty schedule.

The towel will eventually learn to signal your puppy that it needs to go potty, thus eliminating the mess. Only once your puppy is going to the bathroom outside should you allow him to roam the house without his crate. This should also be practiced with the crate over the long haul.

A tip I got from a friend who owns a commercial Roof Replacement Tennessee company and has two poodle puppies, “When you go into the house, be sure to place his food and water in the same place. Then observe his behavior. If he is getting ready to potty, take him outside. Keep repeating until he goes. Then reward him with a treat and praise. He will soon learn that potty time is coming up, and soon you will be able to enjoy your house-free puppy.”

Crate Training and house-breaking your puppy is best done without a kennel, but if you do decide to use one, make sure it is big enough that he will not be able to find a far corner to eliminate in. The idea is that the puppy believes he has gotten so much attention that it is time for him to take a nap. The kennel needs to be just big enough for him to lie down, but not big enough that he can walk around it. If he does, he will soon believe that it is okay to potty anywhere.

Puppies have a natural inclination to keep their bedding clean, but for a period of time after they are weaned this may not be possible. The best way to accommodate this is to feed the puppy inside the crate. Since he is in a confined space he won’t want to potty where he eats or sleeps. This helps him to train himself to go potty and get used to a schedule.

Dog Training Basics

Dog Training tips

You will be surprised at the amount of dog training you will need to do, and by how much it will cost you. It is something that is vital to have before you take your dog on the journey. Before you head out the door of the pet shop with the newest member of the family in tow, there are some things you need to train your dog to do.

Training is something that is vital to your dog. If you don’t believe me, ask any dog owner of your acquaintance. Dog training is vital to the well being of the dog. If you want your dog to listen to you, and not to run wild anywhere or do anything crazy, then you will need to make sure that he is trained.

Now, training a dog is not an easy task. If you want him to listen to you, you will need to devote time and effort into it. You will need to learn how to train him. Thankfully, it is not as hard as you might think; or for that matter, not as hard as you would think.

If you dedicate yourself to the task of training your dog, you can achieve amazing results. One of the best things about training him is that you will not have to worry about him biting someone or hurting another dog. This is a protected world and he is only going to get a little bit of runaround, so he better not be doing too much crazy stuff.

Be stern and firm when training your dog. By nature, they are not very smart. What you need to do is think like a dog and use those dog like thinking habits to give him a message. Be careful not to strengthen the negative traits that he is already showing.

For example, if you want him to listen to you, you don’t abuse him or scream at him for doing something bad. This will not help the situation. What it will do is make him scared of you and he will be too scared to listen to you.

I great tip I got from a friend who does luxury house plans and recently trained his puppy told me, “Be patient when training your dog. You have to make him wait sometimes. This is not being unfair to him. Dogs are just animals and they do not have the same thought processes that humans have. If you have a dog that is not listening to you, then it is not because he is stubborn or makes mistakes on purpose. It is because he was not taught how to make his own decisions. You just need to get his thinking machine started working properly.”

Bach is a great example of a Pink anything, right? Well, dogs respond to Bach because it is so easy to do. They learn to listen and fully understand everything by repetition. Just like humans, dogs live in packs and they like to function as part of a group. There is a leader of the group, usually the mother of the group. The mother will train the rest of the dogs, just like she would a family. She would communicate and correct the behavior of the group and then feed them.

So, if you have a new puppy and you are paying attention to his behavior, just remember that mother is always right there and she is working with him. Just be patient and you both will get through the pain and the learning process together.

How to Crate Train Your Dog

crate training a puppy

Crate training a dog can be quite a challenge. For many of us we find the idea of crating our dogs’ appealing. The warmth and safety that this provides us is a great temptation for us. However, we don’t need to do this all the time.

The reason that this technique is not so good for your dog is because he is not going to see this as a safe area. He is going to view this as a prison and it his territory.

How will your dog feel about it?

Here are some things you can do to help him enjoy his crate.

Remember that crate training is all about providing a pleasant experience for your dog. It should not be a prison.

A tip from a friend who does program management and recently crate trained his lab told me, “Provide toys to make sure that he doesn’t become bored. Stuffed Kongs are great because they can be hollow in which you can place some goodies inside. This way, instead of going to town on his toys he won’t be inclined to chew on anything else.”

If he has some bones in it also, then this is a chewy alternative to bones.

Make sure that he can still go outside and play when he is in his crate.

You can place his blanket in his crate, if his favorite spot is not that of a crate.

If he wants to go out (and he should because he is a house dog) leave him a little time after he is used to his crate.

One of the biggest challenges for us is potty training a puppy. Crate training can help tremendously with this.

If you keep your puppy in a crate at night and then take him outside for a walk first thing in the morning, then you automatically part of the crate training when your puppy gets older.

This can help tremendously, especially at night, when you are trying to get him potty trained. This is also a good method for soothing your puppy when he is over excited.

For your crate training, put blankets with your dogs’ scent on it. One of my dogs has a blanket with her name on it. This way it is her blanket and she knows that she is herding at night and when she goes outside.

Don’t make that prison (oh what is there to say?) A nice place for your dog to sleep is a box, or a crate that is big enough for him and he can stretch out. But don’t leave him in there for a long time; it will become a place of his own and he will want to be there all day. Yes, we have made the crate part of the morning time routine so that he is in it for 8 or 10 minutes before we go to work. We plan on this being a daily occurrence for a while yet.

Just keep in mind that crate training and potty training are very different things. Crate training has more guidelines for you to follow, but potty training is a completely different ball game. If you potty train your dog properly, accidents will be rare and you will not have the smell of pee in your home for days and days.

We have a lot more to cover in more articles about how to potty train your dog. But we are done now. Think of these potty training articles as a do so for those of you who already have dogs and are just curious. You will get a few good ideas on the spot.

Dog Training Secrets Revealed

Dog Training Secrets

Have you ever wondered why your dog might not listen to your commands? Or maybe you’ve decided that training your dog will be a positive experience and not a time you’d rather leave frustrated, especially with the amount of Secrets of a Professional trainer that you have to take cover to complete the task at hand.

Here are your answers:

They can’t hear you

Dogs are pretty amazing creatures, right? They can hear both above the noise a whole lot better than we think. They also hear every single sound that is around them and that’s why they are barking when the wind is howling or the snow is on. They don’t hear storms when we’re out and they don’t hear the ring of a doorbell. And I’ve yet to meet a dog that didn’t like laughter. It’s all around them. They don’t hear or realize they are barking.

And because they don’t realize they are barking, they don’t stop barking even when you want them to stop.

Blood, Bones And Toes

I refer to this juicy bit of knowledge as “the bloodstream”. When the bacteria or etc. enters the dog’s body through the mouth or eyes etc. it enters the bloodstream. In the blood, the white blood cells rust and the red blood cells exist. They get allocate there because the body needs them.

The bacteria or etc. must have a way to get from the mouth or eyes etc. to the appropriate place if you want it to happen. The appropriate place is the red blood cell. That’s why the red blood cells need to be Territory by the bacteria or etc. first in getting to the appropriate place. If they are not there to start the process, then the bacteria or etc. will not meiosis. If they are there, then it’s a different story.

I don’t think I need to go into how important a role Coloring is in a dog’s life. That’s why I have 2 amazing Golden Retrievers and one of them is blind. She has beautiful seeing eye dogs.

Their immune system is made up of many different types of cells

Dogs have many more white blood cells than humans. It’s because they have (stay with me here) Active Catheters.

Some dog science I got from a sale associate while picking out cabinets at a cabinet design studio is active Catheters are bodies that transport live enzymes, which in turn create chemical reactions that push away bacteria from cells or proteins and live cells. So when the bacteria enters the dog’s bloodstream and starts to push towards the red blood cell it dies because there are so many extra useless dead bacteria in the bloodstream.


What do all these things have to do with my dog and why is she blind?

Well, there are many diseases that kill dogs on a routine basis. In fact, I had a Teaching C pointer who was basically blind from birth. And he kept getting sick and eventually he was losing his eyes. Although, eventually the teaching C pointer was able to teach his owners that her dog was basically blind and were trained to step on his rear and when he went, the dog would step off.

So, does that mean your dog is ignore when he goes and it causes him to be blind?

Dog Training Tips

training a dog

When it comes to dog training, it seems that everybody thinks that they know everything. When you get a puppy, you will likely receive tips and tricks from everybody you know that owns a dog. It is much like buying a used car, everybody has an opinion on it, and if you ask 10 different people what the best way to train their dog is, you will probably get 10 different opinions.

It is no surprise that so many people are trying to teach their dogs every trick they know. Some of these tricks may be cute and fun, but it is important to know that not all tricks are created equal. This is where clicker training comes in. Strangely enough I found this method while doing a chess tutorial. This method of training is much easier to read, and the concept is very easy to understand for even the youngest child.

Clicker training simply means that you are training your dog to exhibit certain desired behaviors in order to achieve a certain goal. The key to clicker training is that the dog must first perform the behavior that you want before you give a clicker command. Your dog must first perform the behavior without hesitation in order to earn a clicker reward. Later on, you can use a verbal cue to guide your dog, but the key is that the dog must first perform the desired behavior without hesitation.

So how does this actually work?

The principle behind clicker training is that you are training your dog to achieve a certain goal, and that the best way to train is to use a reward. In the case of clicker training, you would be training your dog to have a good sniff. To achieve this, you would get a dog and clicker. You would then reward the dog (with a clicker, of course) if it successfully aims to smell the ball. Later on, if the dog aims to smell the ball with its mouth shut, you would reward it with the clicker.

So why is it so effective?

Simply put, clicker training is much easier to follow than any other form of training. This is because the clicker is used to reward the dog for disobedience. If you follow this simple regime, you will see results in just about every part of the dog training.

Let’s look at a common example of how clicker training can be used to train your dog to avoid licking: Let us say you want to train your dog to put his toys away. You can start the training by teaching him the commands sit, lie down, and leave. Once the dog has mastered these commands, you can introduce the toy-lesuing exercise. Once the dog starts to understand that he will be rewarded for his toy-missive behavior, he will show more interest in the toy than the other items in your home.

The clicker is also a useful tool for preventing behaviors that are difficult to modify. It is used to answer a question like “Why does my dog eat his poop?” For hard-core pet owners, “Why does my dog eat his poop?” is a difficult question to answer, and that is why the answer is that the dog eats his poop because it is the rewarding kind of behavior that he gets rewarded for. If you reward the dog for eating his poop, you will be reinforcing that behavior as the way to earn rewards. That is why the clicker is so useful in clicker training.

Shock Collar Dog Training

Dog Training

Dog training with a shock collar is a good option for dog owners who want a gentle, non-violent yet highly effective method to train their dog. The shock collar is ideal for dog training because the the device that is worn around a dog’s neck senses when the dog has misbehaved, and delivers a slight shock to the pet when it does something that it should not. shock collars are especially useful if a dog is not in the mood to be trained or just does not know what is expected of him or her, but the shock is not painful to the dog.

When to Start Training

Start dog training the moment you get your new dog and start to integrate the dog with the family; the earlier the better. Training needs to be done when the dog is still a puppy for the best results. Every day after the following steps is when you should begin to train your dog.

Be sure to always be consistent with your dog training. This means that you need to come up with a specific time and place each day where you will be taking your dog out and training him or her that day. This will be when you are both relaxed and not overly excited, and this will help you both have the proper calming effect. Before you begin, be sure that your dog is on a leash and within easy reach to you. This will help you keep control of your dog.

Walk in the same direction as the dog. Do not move to far away when you begin dog training. This just tells your dog that you are the alpha and you want him or her to follow you.

Give a quick tug on the leash. This will let your dog know that you are the alpha and that you mean business.

Toss a ball and then give the command to come, or any other command you wish to use for training. Then toss the ball back to the dog. This tells the dog that play time is over and that he should come back and pay attention.

Some dogs love to play, others not so much, but it is important to know when to let your dog know when playtime is over. If you pay attention to the body language of your pet, he or she will sense it as well, and they will look for other ways to please you.

Social Feeding. Dog training requires that you establish yourself as the alpha. If you don’t take control in the beginning, your dog will. When you let your dog know that they are going to be the alpha, it is not long before they want to be in charge and leading you up the EZ access ramps. When this happens, training can become difficult because they will want to control you and have all the fun.

A good way to get your dog to respect you is to feed them before you eat. In this way, the alpha dog of the house becomes the feeder, and the alpha dog becomes the dog that gets to eat all the time.

Avoid Personal control. You must avoid showing personal control by doing this as it is showing weakness in your dog training.

When it comes to training a dog, it is important to show that you are the one in charge. In addition, to showing your dominance, you have to prove that you are a capable and intelligent trainer. If you can do this, you will see results from your dog that are sure to impress you.

Great Tips to Reduce Excessive Dog Barking

 Excessive Dog Barking

Whenever your dog barks excessively, there is a variety of reasons why this happens. While some barking is a normal and natural behavior, excessive barking may not be. Because we have socialized our dogs, they are used to interacting with other people and animals. The lonely and other dogs may become irritated and agitated when your dog is alone or when it doesn’t get the proper amount of attention and exercise.

It may also happen that your dog is acting aggressively. This sometimes happens when the dog is not properly trained and it sees an intruder. Dogs can bark and growl and they may be trying to warn you that there is an intruder. If your dog is growling at you, it is probably feeling threatened. Sometimes, dogs may even become aggressive towards another dog in order to prevent that dog from entering his territory. Anxious dogs and puppies may tend to bark and growl when they are around other dogs. It is important to know the different types of barking and how to deal with them.

Here are 5 tips that you should keep in mind whenever you are confronting excessive dog barking issues:

  1. Your dog could be barking because it wants to be a part of the pack and is bored.

If your dog seems to be lonely, then it gets frustrated whenever you leave it by itself. It barks in order to get the attention of others. Also, dogs that are social and know how to behave around others usually make less noise. They are better behaved companion dogs.

  1. Your dog could be barking because it wants your attention.

The most common reason why your dog barks is to get your attention. Therefore, instead of yelling at your dog the moment you see him barking, you can tell him to stop barking (use a certain word such as “stop”). You can continuously reward him for stopping the unwanted behavior and even give him a treat whenever he does. Thus, by using this kind of training, your dog can learn what is expected of him.

  1. Your dog could be barking because it is frightened.

Sometimes, your dog may be scared of something, or he just wants to warn you of something. Therefore, your dog’s bark could be nothing else but a warning. A friend was running a CPR training Portland course so strangers were at his house and the dog went nuts with his barking. Sometimes, your dog can also be stressed and need a calm environment. When your dog is stressed, he can also bark nonstop.

  1. Your dog’s barking could be because he is hungry.

Not hungry enough, maybe? If your dog is looking for a way to get your attention and is barking nonstop, he may be looking for the way to get his daily bowl of food. Try to ignore him and when he stops barking, give him his food. This way, he will know that he will have to quiet down in order to eat.

  1. Your dog’s barking could be because he wants to play.

Sometimes, dogs may bark simply because they want to play. If your dog is in a cage or chained outside the house, perhaps he just wants to go out and play with you. In that case, you may allow him to do so. But maybe your dog wants to play during a certain time or certain place. You have to try to figure out the reasons. Playing with one’s dog is a special moment that can only be experienced by a dog.