What Kinds of Foods from Restaurants Should I Serve my Dog or Cat?

dog friendly restaurant

A long time ago that pets began to be perceived as an important part of the family, there are even many young adults who do not have children but do have pets, whom they treat as the children of the family.

That is why it is not so unreasonable to think of ordering something from restaurant food for pets to reward or pamper them. The problem is that not all foods are safe for pets, and giving them the wrong food could lead to health problems later on.

Among the foods that should be avoided in general, are the following:

  • Chocolate
  • Coffee
  • Tea
  • Onion
  • Leeks
  • Garlic
  • Milk
  • Citrus
  • Avocado
  • Alcohol
  • Raw meats
  • Nuts
  • sugar
  • Rotten food
  • grapes
  • Hot spicy food

Some of the meals prepared in restaurants usually have some of these ingredients, so it is important to check if the restaurant food that you are going to give your pet contains any of these ingredients.

Now, dogs and cats have different feeding needs, and that is why we bring you the most complete list that you will find about what kind of foods from restaurants you can serve your dog or your cat.

dog eating pizza

Restaurant food your dog can eat

Many people insist on keeping their dogs on a strict diet with products made exclusively for their consumption. But this should not be the case since there are many human foods that dogs can eat without a problem.

Best of all, if you don’t feel like cooking, you can always order restaurant food for pets. There are some restaurants that offer pet-friendly options because they are Pet-friendly. In case this is not possible, you can make sure that the dishes contain some of these foods:


These should be cooked, not have bones or thorns and a little salt. It is also recommended that preparation is low in saturated fat, such as grilled, baked, or grilled. Some types of meats are more recommended than others. It is preferable to give the dogs chicken, turkey, pork, beef, or lamb, among others.

In the case of fish meat, there is a wide variety of fish that are ideal for feeding dogs, such as salmon, tuna, herring, sardines, or mackerel, among others.

Of course, when giving fish to the dog, it is important that it has no bones, and preferably they are grilled or steamed preparations, never raw, with a little salt and without strong spices or lemon.


This is an ideal restaurant food alternative for pets since eggs provide a large amount of protein and beneficial fats for dogs, without forgetting that it is a food that these furry friends love.

It is always essential that the egg dishes must be fresh and well cooked, to avoid contaminating them with bacteria or parasites dangerous to your health. It is ideal that the cooking is boiled or in an omelet, but without salt and with little fat.


Although many people think that dogs are exclusively carnivores, this is not the case. In fact, the consumption of vegetables is very beneficial for its diet as long as they are adequate. Vegetables like potatoes, squash, carrots, or sweet potatoes are great for them, and they help those dogs that are overweight.

These vegetables should be steamed, boiled, baked, or grilled without salt and avoiding the use of fats and seasonings as much as possible.


Many restaurants offer fruit salads to their customers as a dessert option. Some of these are beneficial for the body of dogs. Among the most recommended fruits are apples, pears, watermelons, or bananas.

These fruits should be fresh, have no added sugar or chocolate, and they should be very clean. They are an excellent source of antioxidants for the little ones in the house.

Ice creams:

Dogs love these frozen desserts, but they usually include a lot of sugar or milk among their ingredients. However, it is increasingly common to find restaurants that offer vegan and low-sugar ice cream.

This type of dessert is ideal for dogs and helps to cool them in the hottest times. You will surely make your pet very happy by giving him an ice cream as a reward for being so adorable.


Yogurt is an excellent source of probiotics and calcium, and dogs love its taste and texture. Giving them yogurt occasionally will help their digestive system, so it’s a good idea to treat them to a serving at least once a week.

Of course, the yogurt that you give your dog mustn’t contain grapes, raisins, chocolate, nuts, or an excess of sugar, since these products harm his body.


Soups are great for dogs, especially if they are experiencing illness or recovering from a health condition. It is also perfect for smaller or older dogs, as it helps them hydrate and avoid straining their teeth when chewing.

In any case, this soup should not contain salt, onion, garlic, leek, or green onion, since these ingredients harm the dog’s health. Also, this soup should have a minimum amount of fat.


Cooked oatmeal is excellent for helping dogs with digestive problems, but this preparation should contain little milk or lactose-free milk and should not contain sugar or artificial flavorings.


Dogs can eat pasta, and if it is accompanied by meatballs much better. Always make sure that the pasta you give your dog is low in salt and that it does not have any of the spices that could harm it.

This food should only be given occasionally. It should never occupy more than 10% of the total of its diet since excess pasta consumption could make it overweight, experience a nutritional deficit, and, ultimately, harm the dog’s health.


Rice is also ideal for dogs, as long as it is plain prepared and is well cooked. If possible, brown rice should be chosen as it has a large amount of fiber that will be beneficial to your pet.

This rice can be accompanied by meats, always taking care that it is a preparation without salt and with the least possible fat. In any case, dogs love rice as a companion to their meals.


It can be given some bread occasionally as long as it doesn’t have butter, salt, garlic, or strong toppings. The same applies in the case of pretzels. This type of food is suitable for dogs’ digestive system as long as its consumption is not abused.

As you can see, there are many restaurant foods for pets options that you can get for your dog, and always remember to give directions to the restaurant such as that the food is without salt, which seasonings should be avoided and, of course, opt for low-fat preparations. After all, it’s about spoiling pets and varying their diet, not harming their health.

cat friendly restaurant

Restaurant food your cat can eat:

In the case of cats, these pets are usually a bit more complicated than dogs when it comes to food, but this does not mean that it is a bad thing. What happens is that, by nature, cats are usually more curious, so when you give them some new food from a restaurant (hopefully the restaurant hired food service consultants), they spend a fair amount of time smelling it, touching it, and approaching it carefully.

For their part, when dogs are given some new food, they usually sniff it a bit and proceed to eat it as quickly as possible. So when you buy restaurant food for your kitten, do not feel bad and despair if you see that it takes a long time to start eating since it is its natural reaction.

In any case, these are some of the foods that you can order in a restaurant for your cat:


Cats are primarily carnivores, which is why meats are high on the list for their nutritional requirements. To be healthy, they require high doses of protein in their diet.

Among the most recommended meats for cats are chicken and turkey. It is essential that the meat is always well cooked, preferably boiled, since they like soft food better and that they can chew. Likewise, the meat should not have bones, nor a percentage of fat greater than 25%, and the use of salt in its preparation should be avoided.

As for fish, cats love it, but this does not mean that it should be given any kind of fish indiscriminately. Fish should not have bones and should always be cooked, mainly boiled or steamed, to prevent them from being infected by parasites and becoming seriously ill.

Among the favorite fish of the expenses are tuna and salmon, although other fish such as horse mackerel, bass, catfish, and sardines are among the best fish for your cat.


Sounds weird, we know, but although cats are mainly carnivores, this does not mean that they cannot or should not eat vegetables. Giving them certain types of vegetables helps their digestive system, and unlike meats, you can give them raw vegetables, that if, making sure they are well cleaned.

Vegetables that cats can eat include carrots and sweet potatoes, broccoli, zucchini, and chard. They can also be served cooked, preferably steamed or boiled.


Cats, even though they cannot naturally perceive the sweet taste, enjoy various fruits. If you are going to give your cat fruits, remember that it should only be the pulp, they should not ingest the seeds, and these should not be citrus fruits. Among the best fruits for cats are apple, pear, banana, watermelon, and peach.

Likewise, if you buy a fruit salad from a restaurant for your cat, make sure that it does not include sugar, cream, or chocolate since sugar is harmful to cats. If this salad has grapes or oranges in it, you should remove them before giving it to your cat since they cannot digest these fruits properly.


Cats also love to eat eggs, and they are very beneficial for their health due to the large number of proteins and vitamins they contain. Even many of the special foods for cats have eggs among their foods.

When you buy egg preparations in a restaurant for your pet, make sure that it does not include salt, onion, garlic or leek, and that the preparation is as low in fat as possible. Likewise, a cat should never be given raw eggs, as they could become infected with parasites or bacteria.


Although cats cannot digest dairy when they are adults, giving them yogurt every so often can be beneficial for them. The probiotics contained in yogurt can help your digestive system and restore bacterial flora.

When ordering yogurt for your cat, make sure that it does not contain additives such as sugar, raisins, nuts, chocolate, or sweet cereals, as these products harm the cat’s body. This is one of the best restaurant food for pets.


Pasta is beneficial for cats that are sick to their stomachs since being a soft food, they can easily digest it. It is important that the pasta does not contain salt, and if a sauce is added, it should not have fat, strong seasonings, onion, garlic, or leek. Likewise, milk-based sauces should be avoided, although vegan or lactose-free milk alternatives could be used.


Another beneficial food for sick cats. It helps them digest other foods easily, and it is smooth to chew. Fish or some meat types could accompany it, but the preparation should not be seasoned, containing salt or fat.


Cats love soups, particularly creams, because of their texture, but these should not contain salt, onion, or fat. This dish is ideal for those very young or ancient cats since they would not have to chew food that damages their teeth and would be hydrated in the process.

As you can see, the metabolism of cats is different from that of humans, and although they can eat food that you buy at the restaurant for them, it is important that they meet certain specifications.

Likewise, the portions must be small, since if they leave food on the plate, it must be discarded to avoid contamination of our pets or to make them sick. If you take care of their diet, you can have them by your side for many years.

Don’t forget a rule of thumb before giving your human pet food: if you wouldn’t eat it, they shouldn’t eat it. This means that if the food is spoiled or there are leftovers without nutritional contributions, you should not feed it to your pets since you could accidentally make them sick.
