The Best Dog Diet

Best dog diet

Some experts say that the best dog diet is a combination of both canned and kibble food. Why is this so? Why shouldn’t you feed your dog canned food if it’s not healthy for him? What if I told you that a combination of cooked and raw foods is the best dog diet?

Let me start by saying that I do not recommend feeding your dog only canned dog food. Granted, if your dog is one of those obsessed canines that becomes hyperventilating if you reach for his favorite TV dinner somewhere between 2:00 and 3:00 a.m., but most of us fall into this category.

However, what I discovered is that for many dogs the combination of cooked and raw foods is the best dog diet. How did I discover this?

Unlike my tube-by- tube life, my research took me to the library and the Web to see what reputable hyped-up gurus have to say about this topic. I’ve studied nutrition and health in general for over 20 years and I am not short of ideas, including Ideas that even the best vet has warned you about (raising your pet in Mexico, for example). I speak from experience, as a veterinarian in general and a dog trainer in particular.

When I began to study the topic of the best dog diet, I discovered that many vets and their proponents are actually throwing their money and fancy tactics aside to make a profit from something that is not healthy for your pet. Now, I am not perfect, so there are a couple of things I would like to correction.

So, how do you decide what is the best dog diet? The simple answer is: “It depends!” The best diet is the one that is healthy for you specifically as the pet owner. Of course, you also have to consider the age, breed, and health of your companion in order to determine the best diet.

The ingredients of the food you purchase will also be the factor of your search. Most good brands contain meat as the first ingredient and vegetables, grains, and fiber as the second. This is the combination of nutrition and variety that we like to find in any food that is labeled “human grade.”

In fact, you might decide to buy only one brand and compare it to the best dog diet on the market. If you find one that meets your criteria, great! But remember that within just one or two brands you can find a food that has the exact same ingredients as one of these highly rated premium foods.

Still, if you’re looking for the highest rated food that is also the healthiest, you will find a few sites online that have ratings and reviews of foods that contain the highest rated ingredients. Because rating food according to quality and nutritional worth is so tricky, most sites use a scale from 1 to 5, with 5 being the best, and 1 being the worst. Among the best dog diet foods, you will find a few that are very high rated. Indeed, such sites review the ingredients of the food and rate them for nutritional worth and overall quality.

Once you have found a food that rates well, it is important to read the ingredients to determine the best food for your dog. The label on the packaging should have a list of allergen groups. A cabinet refacing Nashville company had the idea to post the ingredients on the inside of the cabinets for quick reference. For example, if the food contains corn, you can know that the dog’s digestive system is likely to be allergic to corn, especially if the corn is an ingredient of another food group. This is the reason that corn should not be the primary ingredient of food.

The amount of preservatives used should also be read. Because no food is 100% preservative free, but the general rule is that for good food you should look for 3 or 4, while for poor food you can look for less than 3. Use the search categories on the Internet to find sites with ratings and reviews of foods. As a result, you can compare the costs of buying groceries and pet food and decide which is the best option for you and your dog.

What to Teach Your Puppy Before He Is a Year Old

how to train a puppy

The beautiful thing about owning a puppy is that they can make us laugh and sometimes even save our lives. When you bring home that puppy out of the blue, it is truly a shock to your system. That cute little fur ball will need to be evaluated and trained in very important areas that will impact their entire life. If you fail to educate your puppy as to what is expected of him or her, you may end up with a dog that is stubborn, pushy and overprotective.

I am a huge advocate of positive reinforcement type training. You should never hit the dog or make threatening gestures toward them as a matter of fact. In some cases, you may want to stay away from training your puppy while he or she is actually a puppy. Just start out as early as possible. The beauty of beginning training early is that a puppy will be easier to train not only because they are smaller but they are also generally easier to train because they are more open to learning.

Training an older dog is just as important as training a puppy. Older dogs may be more difficult to train and may have already developed some bad habits. That is why it’s so important to retrain an older dog what type of behavior is expected. Gaining your dog’s respect is one of the most important things that you can accomplish when training an older dog.

Giving your dog a name is probably the most important thing you can do to start training your dog. Give them a name that is very short, like two syllables or less. Make sure that the name you choose for your dog is going to be fun to say out loud. When you call your dog, what part of the body do you see your dog’s back when they come to you?

You should spend a fair amount of time potty training your dog. This is a subject that some people feel is best left alone while others feel that it just need to be addressed. When you bring home an older dog, it’s not uncommon for them to have a potty accident in the house. If you notice this happening, and you respond with a stern “no”, you are most likely going to reinforce that negative behavior. So what should you do? Your dog’s potty training isn’t going to be an issue if you keep watch or control when and where your dog goes potty.

Before you bring home built by modular construction companies a new puppy, examine your dog and find out what kind of things they like to do. If you find out that your dog enjoys chewing a lot, you may want to make sure that there are some chewing toys available for them. The best way to train your dog is to keep them on a diet and schedule. If you find that your dog is having a hard time controlling when and where it’s potty, there are going to be some accidents and you need to clean up those accidents.

You are going to need to make a schedule to keep your dog on a regimen. If you find that you have to get up and stay late to take your dog out, then you may want to reconsider your schedule with your dog. Instead, consider a neighbor that is willing to let you use their yard early in the day for a potty break. This may be more convenient for you than letting your dog out in the backyard late at night, but it’s not going to work for your dog.

If you don’t have a neighbor, but are in a position to stay home with your new puppy, consider yourself lucky. But if you’re going to be requiring your dog to stay in a particular area, then your dog is going to either need to learn to go potty outside or you’re going to have to use a crate.


There are different types of collars and they all play an important part in potty training your dog. The two main types of collars are shock collars and citronella collars. These two types of collars have their own purposes, though. Shock collars work by giving your dog a painful shock every time they’re naughty. Citronella collars work the same way, but the dog hears a burst of citronella and gets a shot of citronella every time they bark for long. So the main difference is the sense of smell these collars have. Shock collars will give your dog a very mild electric shock and citronella collars will cause a squirt of citronella every time your dog barks.


Leash laws, the laws where you live can also make it a little more difficult for you to potty train your puppy on your own. It’s important to have a leash on your dog while you’re teaching them to go potty outside. Taking them out for a walk is a way you get them familiarized to going potty outside on a leash.

Stories on Pet Food Recalls

pet food that has been recalled

If you want to bring a healthy, happy dog into your home, you should pay attention to some of the food recalls that were recently happening in our country. A healthy pet is less susceptible to food allergies and infections and a long-term diet of the right foods can prevent many illnesses early in life. If you want to learn what you can do to prevent these recalls sandusky food recalls, continue reading.

One food that was causing a lot of recalls and rising prices among consumers was the classic dog food, known as kibble. When one of the batches was contaminated with melamine, a chemical used to make plastics and fertilizers, it shows once again that we dog owners have to be careful about what we feed our beloved pets. Although they are not called by-products, they are often the waste left over from the human food and agricultural industries. This waste is what is used to make your canned dog food or dry dog food taste good. Unfortunately, many popular pet foods contain grains such as corn and wheat as fillers, instead of being the staple of protein that dogs need.

Over time, by feeding your dog a cheap pet food and staple diet of the same ingredients over and over again, he will lose body weight, his immune system will weaken and he will be more susceptible to disease. Just like humans, when our immune system is down, we feel sick and can’t fight off diseases; however, our bodies can heal and overcome disease just like dogs can. When you introduce something new into your dog’s diet, it causes a temporary dip in energy level and they will stop playing with the cheapest lacrosse balls. This is normal, however; if it lasts for more than a few days, you should take him to a veterinarian.

Many veterinarians advise dog owners to purchase a dog food that contains rice, seaweed and fungi as the key features of a healthy dog food. These ingredients Allocos nutritionists believe strengthen the immune system, cleanse the body, increase digestive efficiency and and in turn, prevent allergies and other disorders. A lot of celebrities these days are selling diamond-crusted gnomes with bowl that hold a healthy amount of doggie vitamins for your dog. They claim that the vitamins can improve the animal’s energy levels, improve eyesight and ear hearing, and sustain energy levels at a healthy pace. If it works for the celebrity, then it can work for you.

The final suggestion in this section is for you to read up on the topic of food allergies. Allergies can affect us and our beloved canines. The suggestions below will help you decipher the signs and symptoms of food allergies in dogs.

Food Allergies in Dogs

Dog owners, especially the allergy-prone, should start the detective work to determine the allergen triggering the outbreaks. Once you know the culprit, the task of getting your dog back to optimal health is a piece of cake.

The symptoms of food allergies in dogs are itchy skin, facial swelling, ear infections, blustery sneezing, constipation, licking of front paws, reinforcements to the immune system and gastrointestinal distress. Diagnosing food allergy requires an elimination diet that is as complete as possible. All food types and combinations that your dog has not eaten in the past will be allowed.

Some pet owners take on the task of making their own homemade dog food. This is a mistake! You are taking on huge responsibilities here and the rewards are possibly even dangerous. I would not depend on anyone to correctly feed my dogs for my wellbeing but I would rely on those with experience to know what to do.

At the very least, having a food allergy does not mean that your dog will not be able to eat all kinds of food. No problem, your dogs can eat a wide variety of foods, just make sure that the foods are safe for them and that they are not allergic to any of the ingredients. You can also purchase certain dog foods that are imbalanced. My dog food had corn and so many of his meals. Check with your vet or again, check the internet for reputable dog food manufacturers with dog food recalls.

If your dog has a reaction to a certain ingredient, you do not have to load him up with an ultra-premium food or keep him on cheap food. Such ultra-premium or gourmet dog food is more expensive than the cheaper formulations. If your vet advises you to switch to a more expensive food, then do so. Such food will probably cost more than the cheaper brands anyway.

So healthy homemade dog food is perfectly safe for your beloved canine? Actually, the experts are not as cautious with our dogs’ health as one might think. They say that our dogs can eat a healthy homemade diet or a commercial one without any problems. We do still need to check with our canines’ vets though.

Puppy Obedience Training – Start When They Are Puppies

Puppy Obedience Training

Puppy obedience training should begin before they are 3 months old. By this time your dog should understand his surroundings and be well-adjusted. If you wait until your puppy is 3 months or older you may be missing out on a wonderful opportunity.

The killer of bad habits is to allow them to develop while they are young. After all, you would not allow a 5-month old baby to run before it was 3 months old, would you? If you do not start the obedience training of your young puppy now, you will find that it is a lot harder to unlearn the bad habits than it is to relearn the good habits, and you don’t want a puppy to tear up your house causing you to have to do a home remodel to fix on the chewed on banisters and scratched walls.

The best way to determine the age of your dog is to figure out the shoulder-to-chest measurement from the ground to the top of the shoulder. The top of the shoulder is the highest point in the dog’s body. From the ground to the top of the shoulder is approximately 2 inches. From the ground to the feet is approximately 1.5 inches. From the feet to the hock joint is approximately 1.25 inches. From the hock joint to the tail is approximately 1 inch. Therefore, if your dog has a body length of 27 inches from the ground to the top of its shoulder, the length of his body is approximately 56 inches. If your dog has a body height of 24 inches from the ground, the height of the dog is approximately 52 inches.

You should be aware of the following:

For each month of your dog’s age in months, add an inch to your figure for the month of your dog’s ideal weight. For example, a 2 month old dog should weight correctly at 36 pounds. If your dog is 3 months old, you should weigh 40 pounds. Now you can use these figures to calculate the correct weight for your dog. Type of food you feed your dog is a vital role in determining the weight of your dog. Don’t feed your dog any kind of food that is low in fat and high in protein. If you do feed your dog such food, you will put your dog on a diet that is going to make him fat and lazy. The consequence of being overweight to a dog is the same as it is to a human. It causes joint pain, disease and a shortened lifespan. If your dog is suffering from joint pain, see your doctor immediately.

If your dog is a working dog, energize him before you start any exercise schedule. A dog that is sluggish or listless when you come home at lunchtime is usually the one that was not given much exercise earlier in the day. Your dog will eat when you get home and will likely be out of breath. Don’t be surprised if your dog is out early in the morning and later in the evening. If your dog is a puppy, it probably didn’t get a lot of playtime early on either. Puppies have soft stomachs, but very little energy.

So, what type of food should you feed your dog? Low calorie, grain-free food is best. You can also try giving your dog smaller amounts of food more often. Give your dog a few doggy treats occasionally. You can’t feed your dog as much as it wants to eat (or the food tastes too bad to the dog), so it is a sensible plan to decrease the amount of food you feed your dog until eventually he stabilizes at a healthy weight.

There are supplements that you can give your dog if he has lost his appetite. If you feed your dog a diet that is low in nutrients, your dog will need a growth formula that is high in protein. Or, if your dog does not digest all of his food very well, he might need an extra source of carbohydrates to make up for his difficulty digesting his food.

Why Do Dogs Bite People?

stop dog bites

Dog bites are a widespread phenomenon. About 4.7 million cases are documented each year in the United States. About one in five of those is a serious enough case for a medical examination by a veterinarian. What is not well known is the fact that the number of people bitten each year is growing. The problem is recognized as a major health problem by various organizations.

There are two basic reasons why dogs bite. One is to defend themselves. They are just doing what they think is right. Another reason is that the dog may feel threatened. The tendency for a canine to bite when feeling threatened is a somewhat normal thing. They will also try to scare off a person whom they feel may be a threat.

Unlike denial, anger, or depression, which are better handled on their own, aggression is not a normal reaction. Obviously there is always a certain percentage of the population that bites. But generally it is considered to be a normal reaction, and perhaps appropriate to some degree. What may not be appropriate is allowing a dog to roam free, especially in an area with children.

A dog usually bites as a threat to someone else. Usually, when the dog bites, it is someone else’s property that they are attempting to steal by barking and growling. It is important for children to learn to respect the dog and not be afraid of it. Teaching children to respect dogs will teach them how to behave around them.

A dog normally bites once in response to a threat or as a warning. If you ever watched a mother dog, she doesn’t hesitate to let out a warning once she gives her all. Once the warning has come out, there is no reason to stop the biting. If a dog does not bite in response to the warning, then there should be a reason for it and an immediate removal to distract them from the chase.

Some dogs feel very threatened by a child’s activity, such as pulling of the ears and tail, so they will rather chase that child as a means of avoiding the child and potential danger. This is common in dogs that feel their owners are making them angry.

Now that we have this all out of the way, lets take a look at the various reasons why this may be happening and how to prevent it.

A dog will instinctively chase any moving object. That means anyone who moves, including you, as well as smaller animals and birds, are fair game to the dog. Now unless you are on a swift trial, do not stand in the way of a dog as it is doing this. They will instinctively chase you. Now for those who want to prevent this from happening, have two options.

First of all, the best thing to do is to make sure your dog is on a short leash with case foam. It would be best to keep it on the left hand side, near your body.

Second of all, you can position your body at a ninety degree angle, with the leash going from your left to right. Your dog is going to try to run after you. Now, to stop this, rip out that leash. Don’t start tugging on the leash to pull your dog back, that could really let them off the hook.

As you can see, there are two strategies for stopping a dog from chasing, the first is to keep them from getting to close, and the other is to keep them from being able to get at you.

Once you apply these two strategies, you will be well on your way to keeping your dog from chasing and you will have some peace to be back from these activities in safety.

Your dog chasing you may seem harmless enough, but once it starts to get out of hand, it could be rather dangerous and could land you in harm’s way.

Specialty Dog Leashes Improve Safety and Make Training Easy

specialty Dog Leashes

As dog ownership continues to increase, our perception of the relationships to others and our sense of safety also must change. One way to achieve safety is to ensure that our dogs are properly trained and controlled. The use of specialty leashes has helped in this regard.

When I first brought my dachshund, Treux home as a pup, I could not imagine how many dangers he would pose. I was young, hadn’t learned much about dogs and lived mostly in an apartment. mostly I did not understand how to read dogs’ body language or how to avoid being brushed by them when I was being walked with one.

I should have known. Without a doubt, Treux and I walked our neighborhood a couple of times a day for years without incident. Then one day a new dog owner whose dog had aggression issues escaped his apartment building when he responded to what looked like a trash being thrown out of a car.

That was it. Treux and I were on our way. I immediately thought about exiting the sidewalk toward the awaiting cars — but just then I did recall how dogs love to charge across the street even when no one is looking.

In the past few years, we have been in close contact with other dog owners as we have visited regularly with our dachshund companions. It has been common to me to witness owners telling others what Treux would do when they were out walking him, how he would actually escape from the leash and go after the neighbor’s cat, or how he has leashed himself to an adult learning to walk on a leash.

Many of these owners have been shocked when Treux happily charges out and takes off after a visiting cat or actually has the urge to charge toward a fast moving car, completely unaware of the potential danger to his escape.

Treux isn’t the only dog who displays this curious behavior. Just as with people, all dogs have the ability to find something interesting to go after, or to avoid, and all dogs have the need to explore.

I don’t fault Treux for charging after the cat or chasing the neighbor’s cat out in the open. All puppies have this charge. They are just wired to do this because they need to investigate and experience the world.

Many dogs have the same problem that Treux has. They don’t understand the pressure they are putting on their owners. They don’t realize they are restricting their owners from vital resources, like their need to explore and learn.

In a dog’s world it is important to allow them to investigate at their own pace. If owners want to avoid being pounced on or to be allowed to run free and play in a dog park without a leash, they need to make the dog guardian’s life a lot easier. They can do this by getting dog collars printed at a print shop near me with the dog’s name, owner’s name and address and phone number.

Treux’s parents, before he came to live with us, were also examples of what an owner needs to be thinking about before a dog is purchased. His mom, sisters had already established themselves as the dominant dogs.

Most owners do not recognize the importance of teaching their dog to drop and stay. Drop can be a minor inconvenience, while stay can mean the difference between life and death for a resistant canine. Here is a priceless example.

Last summer my dad’s dog attempted to get out of the fenced in back yard he was in so he could find a female in heat. While trying to get away he snagged his leash on a nearby tree. He verbally complained to my dad, who told him that was all right and let him out of the yard.

I ran outside and got Treux to drop. I then helped him to stand and then let him know he was a good dog. Treux went back to the house with me and actually went right through the now open door, behind me. He went directly to his bed and laid down.

I advised him the next day not to do this again. I did not want him to think he could get out of the yard and not be punished. I told him I would show him how to successfully drop.

This morning I was busy getting ready for work and found the time to show Treux what I was planning to do. As I was helping him with his pooping, he decided to take care of his business as soon as he could, really without my help. Prior to accomplishing his task he decided to show me how to successfully drop. First he went directly for the treat jar but left his front paws at the top of my staff. When I noticed this I told him “aitic” and instructed him to drop. When he relaxed I gave him a treat.

So, in a day I had managed to teach Treux to Pumpkin Whip. What a difference this makes! Treux was completely begging for food and I didn’t have to feel helpless or special – as I was with the cats!

The Beauty of the Chesapeake Bay Retriever

Chesapeake Bay Retriever characteristics

The Chesapeake Bay Retriever is an excellent gun dog that likes to swim and can work well in cold weather. This is a large dog that has a distinctive oily and watery smell. The dogs are protective, loyal and affectionate and make good family pets.

The AppearanceHeight: 20-27 inchesWeight: 45-80 poundsLifespan: 10-12 years, average

The Chesapeake Bay Retriever is a robust dog with a sturdy body and webby legs. The head is broad in the skull with a distinctive oily and watery nose and the muzzle is broad with a broad stop. The eyes are dark and large whichrimmon the head. The chest is wide and deep, the body heavy and sturdily built.

The Chesapeake Bay Retriever has a dense wavy, medium length, short-haired coat that is relatively easy to groom. This breed has a mild mannered demeanour.

Use in the Field

The Chesapeake Bay Retriever is a good gundog used both in small packs and alone for retrieving fowl. They can take on almost any waterfowl, and will even go after any non-reptile wildlife. It is best to hunt with a partner, as they tend to do best when they are with another dog.

The dog is famous as a partner for any kind of water activity. They are popular for their high tolerance to pain and fatigue in the water. They are not so ideally suited to waterfowl retrievals, but their retrieving instincts make them good for smaller game, such as fur-hunting.

At home, the Chesapeake Bay Retriever is fine with the family and great with children. They do tend to show strong territorial instincts, and will guard the yard from strange dogs. Other pets in the house are generally do well, except for the tailchow.

This is a docile dog and will get along well with strange pets.

The Basics for Your Chesapeake Bay Retriever

The basic requirements for your Chesapeake Bay Retriever include:

· A Front DeW progression ( fuller worm)· High quality pet food· Frequent health checks and vaccinations.· A history of worm infestations.· A stainless steel food and water bowl.· A comfortable bed.· A valued reputable lifetime hunting dog or pet.

The Chesapeake Bay Retriever is also known to be picky eaters. Sometimes if you put the puppy food into a larger bowl they will not eat it. They have a tendency to eat when they’re bored or overexcited. This is a common problem. There is a product called CHELY Options that puts a bitter solution on dry food to discourage Leaving it in the bowl. Remember, this may not work for all puppies. This product is available athttp://www.chacy


The Chesapeake Bay Retriever is a generally healthy dog, with a life span of 12 to 14 years. They are a medium sized dog standing about 5 to 10 inches tall and weighing about 14 to 18 pounds.

Because of their short muzzle, the Chesapeake Bay Retriever is prone to breathing problems, such as snoring and wheezing. Excessive panting and other derogatory noises such as hiss can also be associated with this breed. They are also predisposed to obesity. Vets who have payroll as a service recommend you do about 5 repeats at about 20 minutes each to correct this habit.

Like many other dogs, there are a few other health conditions that affect the Chesapeake Bay Retriever. They include:

· Canine Hip Dysplasia is a skeletal disease. The hip’s not perfectly formed resulting is a severe joint reaction that can cause lameness. The symptoms are limping or using a short leg; when standing, the dog has a hard time walking right, and has a tendency to hold its breath.· Treopia is a condition where the retina develop out of place. The resulting eye diseases are commonly called cataracts, in which the dog has a tendency to see erratically.· employment-related hip dysplasia is a condition in which the thigh bone does not fit into the socket. The Nature of this disease is that it leads to stress on the hips; this is treated surgically. There are exercises you can do to help your dog exercise more, and avoid this joint problem.· Osteochondrosis is a condition in which the cartilage of the shoulders, hips, and elbows actually deteriorates. This disorder shows up by limping, and when exercised regularly the intense pain is reduced. This can be treated with anti-inflammatory drugs and reduce the pain.· Degenerative myelopathy, a disease of the nerves, is a disease of the nerves, and can be seen.

Best Types of Carrier Crates for Pets

Pet Carrier Crate

You are here for one very simple reason, one thing that puts above others of your station, you are a smart person. You recognize that you should have a carrier crate for your furry little friend for every situation that could ever possibly come up. It’s really just a good idea for you to get a carrying case, it will save you a hundred thousand headaches in the future.

It’s even better for you to get one as soon as you can, hopefully before you even go and pick up your very new furry friend. That way when you go and pick them up, you won’t have any trouble transporting them in between places. You will have a ton of places you’ll want to take your furry friend, the vet, just in case they ever need to be taken, or if they don’t have their proper shots, or neutering and such.

Obviously, you’ll want one to take them back home whenever you take them out in the car, though of course you can just let them roam around and hang there tongue out the window when you’re traveling, but in between the door and the car you’ll want them in the carrying case.

It’s especially helpful when you go around traveling between states, between countries, and continents, that way when they need to be transported nothing can go wrong, they are completely safe. Speaking of safety, there are thousands of things that could potentially harm your furry friend, tons of things that could really just make them need to go see a vet.

A carrying case though can prevent pretty much every single danger that your furry friend could dish out, and it can prevent any kind of danger that could hurt your pet. So, it’s a win-win on both sides because your furry friend can’t accidently hurt anyone and no one or anything could hurt your furry friend.

So, in either case, traveling around the place or keeping everyone safe, a carrying case is really just a smart decision, and you should commend yourself on the choice of getting one. You are a very smart individual who went and decided to do something smart that will benefit you and your favorite furry friend, or friends as in plural, which is also great that you have more than one possibly. It would be great to get one for each of your furry friends just in case they need it.

Anyways, you’re here because you made that smart decision and are now on your way of making the best possible choice when it comes to picking. which one your furry friend or friends should inhabit as they travel around with you and stay safe. There is honestly a ton of choices that you can take from and think about, tons of them, and because of that we are going to have to do a little bit of quality control and only pick the best of the best, financially the best choice, quality, and style, just a little bit, though it’s not really the priority. So, just keep those things in mind as we go down this very helpful list. So, for your convenience and pleasure, here is a conveniently compiled list and analyze of the best types of carrier crates for pets.

EliteField Soft Sided Pet Carrier

So, let’s start this very smart list and begin with the overall best choice of carrying case, the best one for the general amount of people who will be reading this, and really the best overall for anyone, anywhere, at any time.

The EliteField Soft Sided Pet Carrier is really great for every single thing that matters. It’s a versatile, light enough to carry around and store without any trouble, but strong enough to hold even the toughest of dogs, and above all else, it’s incredibly affordable, only thirty bucks on amazon as of right now.

As you can see from that incredibly small description this is the overall best carrier for your favorite pets. It’s really the way to go if you want to get a carrying case, and if you don’t believe us, then just wait, there are a few more things that will definitely convince you if you don’t already.

This very friendly carrier bag is approved for air travel, so there’s never any worry for that in the future. There is a removable support board inside the bag to make it comfortable for you and your furry friend for very long trips, or small ones for that matter. It has some carrying handles on the sides and a padded shoulder strap to make carrying it around with your furry friend inside so much easier, and if you really want, you can out a seat belt through those straps while you’re in the car to really make sure your pets are safe.

It also comes with an extra side zipper that you can open really fast to have quick access to your furry friend whenever you need it. I can’t tell you how many times that been helpful for us here when we need to check on our pups, kittens, and tons of other pets. Also, as a little minor note, it comes with two extra pockets to store treats, combs, etc. For whatever you want to have come along with your favorite friend.

Anyways, lastly, the bag comes in two sizes, medium and large, so you can fit tons of different pets into your carrier, large, small, or medium ones whenever you need it. It also comes with the choices of six different colors for when you are ready to order, there mostly pastel colors just to let you know. It’s also waterproof, so no rain is gonna be touching your furry friend.

 PetAmi Deluxe Pet Carrier Backpack

So, of course we couldn’t do this list without mentioning a form of a backpack carrier, it’s the height of convenience and it just has to be mentioned on this list. The very top of the backpack carrying case is something that does have a number one version. The PetAmi Deluxe Pet Carrier Backpack makes life so much easier and makes your furry friend extremely comfortable.

It can fit small and medium dogs, cats, and some other types of pets, which is very fair. You have to understand that it would probably really suck to have to carry a really large dog on your bag on whatever trip you’d be going on.

That is of course not to say that the bag isn’t extremely comfortable to wear. The padded straps and the buckles that you can put around your chest and the waist will make it a thousand and one times easier to carry it around with your animal friend inside. Also, something that makes it really nice to use is the fact that is the size of a standard backpack, so it’s going to be really easier to store when you’re not using it.

This is one carrier case backpack that comes in a whopping eleven different colors. So, you obviously have plenty of choices when it comes to the style of your soon to be new favorite bag. It’s also designed for air control and temperature maintenance, so there’s no worry there when you’re walking around.

As with any backpack, there is a ton of spacious pockets and side spots for you to use for your convenience. So, you can again carry around a ton of treats, water, bowls, and tons of other things that you may want to have on hand as your walking around, so of course that is also a major plus.

This bag is also one that is a little more expensive than the previous one on the list, but honestly, it’s not by very much, it’s still of course still very affordable. The price for this particular carrier is about forty dollars on amazon as of right now. So, definitely check this one out and consider it for your own bag for use and carrying, it has a ton of advantages that you are going to want to have as you travel and move around due to your favorite pup or kitten or whatever pet you have.

Pet Peppy Premium Expandable Pet Carrier

The last up on the list is the one that is the most expensive but trust me it is definitely worth it for the convenience of it alone. We have already had two different carrying cases that where affordable, on that was a backpack, and one that was more of a duffel bag, each with their own unique functions and subtle purposes, and the Pet Peppy Premium Expandable Pet Carrier is not going to be breaking that chain.

The way that this carrying case is unique is the fact that it is not in reality a carrying case overall, it is a bag that you can wheel and pull behind you or in front of you instead. It’s something that you can have that will make your life a thousand and one times more convenient and easier to use beyond what you already have.

I think you can imagine how it can be embarrassing for some people to push their dogs and cats around in strollers, they seem to kind of think that they’ll be judged for doing something like that around town. This carrying case solves that problem, as this isn’t a stroller, it barely resembles one, you can push your pup and kitten around no problem using this and not be embarrassed in the slightest, it’s just a more convenient bag for you to use instead.

It has four wheeled, fully tunable three hundred- and sixty-degree turning wheels, so super easy to use in that respect. It has a fully retractable handle, and the wheels are detachable, so if you need to use it as a regular carrying case, then you’ll have no problems whatsoever in quickly fixing it up and heading on your way to whatever adventure you have planned with your favorite furry friend, or friends.

It’s also an extremely smooth ride for your favorite pet, as it is extremely easy to maneuver and push forward, the wheels never really getting stuck in anything that we’ve come across, except of course the worst of the worst that mother nature can throw at us at any given time. We had some trouble with thick mud, and of course some rocky terrain made it a little bumpy, but beyond that we were pretty much able to take it anywhere with ease.

The bag is also expandable and able to be forced up in certain ways so that you can adjust to you and your pet’s needs. So, if you have a bigger dog, you can expand the cabin of the bag so to speak. If you have a smaller dog that just doesn’t need that much room than you can do the opposite and make the cabin of the bag, again for a lack of better wording, smaller to compensate.

The price is the most expensive on the list very similar to the cost of a cargo case pelican, making it a little bit difficult to consider as an investment for the majority of people, but to be completely honest, we think that it is definitely worth it, it has been such a saving grace for those days that you really just don’t want to deal with all the responsibility of owning a pet. Anyways, the price as of right now on amazing is about seventy dollars, so definitely pricey, but definitely worth it in the absolute long run when you have places to be and places to go with your amazing furry friend.

The Conclusion

There were a lot of different carrying cases on this list, and they were all unique and good in their own special ways, hopefully we were able to help you decide which on was the right carrying case for you and your pets. Thank you for taking your time to come and read this deep dive analysis on the best types of carrier cases for pets.

How to Adopt a New Pet

You are ready to adopt a brand new pet, an amazing little or big companion that you can have with for up to the next 30 years, it’s a great thing that you can do for yourself and the animal that you are accepting into the family. There are so many things that you can do for yourself and the pet, and so many things that you can know to do before you bring it into your fold. 

When you make the decision to bring a friendly animal into your home, you are taking on the responsibility for caring for it, not harming it, and at the very least tolerating its presence enough to not negatively impact it. That’s kind of a morbid stand point that we just pointed out, but don’t worry, that is jus the absolute Baer minimum of what you need to do if your bringing in a new pet. So, you can love your friend as much as you want for as long as you want no matter what. 

You do need to realize though that there are things that you are going to need to learn and think of before you pay for the animal. The thing that you must think of first and foremost is are you able to car for this animal for the next 10 to 20 years. 

This pet is going to be a permanent fixture to your household for decades, and you need to think about the future with that animal. Will you be able to care for it, love it, no matter what’s going to happen in that amount of time? You need to move unexpectedly lets say, will you be able to keep it with you? You go through a divorce, will you be emotionally stable enough to care for it? You get into an accident and need to stay in the hospitable for a little while, will you be able to find someone to take of them in the meantime? 

Maybe a little more upbeat example would have better. You have kids one day, will you be able to take of your adorable little children along with your friendly little pet? These are just some things that you need to think about, they are extremely important, and if you can figure this out you will have a much easier time. 

You figure these few things out, and you accept them, then you will have the right mindset going into it, you will have the right ideas, and you will have an easier time moving forward because you know what you need to understand and you can move on. 

That is the warnings and the mindset that you need to think about when you are about to adopt a little friend for you to take care of. Now, we’ll be moving onto the actual technical things that you will need to know when you decide and are ready to bring your new friend into the family. Now, of course, we aren’t mind readers and don’t know what kind of pet you’ll be getting, so to make this a little easier on you and ourselves, we’ll just be going in order of the most common types of pets that are available today. 

So, if you have a specific pet in mind, and are ready to see what you need to do form them, then you can just scroll down real quick to that specific animal. If you aren’t sure though on what animal you’ll be getting and just want to get a feel for what kind of requirements will be needed for the majority of the time, then you can just read through the whole thing to find what’s right for you and your family. 

So, thank you for taking the time and for being responsible with your future potential pet. So, for you convenience and pleasure here is a conveniently compiled list and analysis of how to adopt a pet. 

A few more fundamentals 

Now, we’ve already gone through the kind of mindset, and what you need to think about before you decide to adopt, but real quick, you need to consider what you need to understand specifically about the specific type of animals for you to think about before we really get into this. 

The most common house pets, dogs and cats, take a little more on the financial side than other pets. A dog and a cat both cost a little extra cash on top of your adoption fee. Some things you need to consider with these specific type of pets is that they need to have food (which is kind of what every animal needs), veterinary care, neutering, spaying, identification (which means collars and tags, and some other things). All of these kind of things can add up in your fees, so keep that in mind when your scrolling through this list. 

You also need to think about the amount of time you will be spending with your pets. We already established that you need to think of the future and how that will affect your pets and you going forward. The other aspect of time that you need to think about is how much time your spending with them daily, how many hours are you dedicating to your pet. 

A dog for example, needs a lot of attention, they need to be walked, played with, and given tons of attention in day to day life, its how dogs work. So, you need to be ready to give that amount of attention to a dog, if that’s what you are considering, so keep it in mind as you go through the list.

When thinking about time, you also need to know the other end of the spectrum. If you are looking for a pet that you can play with, and give the attention that you want to give to it, then you probably shouldn’t get an animal that doesn’t really like attention. A cat for example, is notorious for being reclusive, and kinda just walking around the house, chilling out in strange places. They aren’t really designed fundamentally to be played with, they do like a good amount of attention, but no where near the level a dog would need. 

Lastly, and we already talked about this, but it is important to really consider, is the fact that a pet may or may not fit into your household. If you live alone in an apartment and the choice is entirely yours, then you don’t have any problems, yo can weigh the benefits, costs, etc. all on your own and not to worry about anyone else. 

But if you don’t live alone, if there are others in your house, apartment, building even, then you need to consider the fact that a pet may not be for you right now. It’s sad to say but sometimes pets jus don’t fit into a household, and every time someone tries to make it fit, it doesn’t usually work out. 

Just keep all these simple facts in mind as you are scrolling through the most basic pets. They are really important, so try not to get caught up to much into the excitement of getting a pet. Though, definitely don’t let that stop you from being incredibly happy that your family is getting bigger. 

You may be looking for a dog 

The most loyal of pets, the most friendly overall, and the most cuddly, the dog is mans best friend for a reason. They are an excellent choice to consider when you are looking for a new pet. 

These social gurus are considered the best kind of pets overall, a major reason for that is because they come in so many different breeds and training. You can have a German Sheppard as a guard dog for your house, or you can have a really nice poodle to show off to your friends. If you think a dog is for you, then you have a plethora of variations and choices to make when you figure it out. 

Now, the important things that you need to know if you are going to adopt a dog:

If you have a baby in the house, an infant to five years old at the latest, then you should probably get a medium sized to large dog. This way the pup isn’t harmed by an excited toddler. 

Your new friend should be neutered when you first get him, it will help save so much time and strife late down the line. You do this so that you don’t have to deal with any puppies popping up out of the blue. 

Leading in from that, you should have your new friend be social, you can have them meet other dogs at the park, or maybe you can sign them up for a puppy class to really socialize with some of there own kind. 

Lastly, make sure you gourd out your local breed laws. You can do that by calling the town hall of where you live, and get the information you need on the restrictions and laws that come with owning your furry friend. 

You may be looking for a cat

Right behind the amazingly friendly dog, is the very relaxed cat. Another of the amazing and notorious house pets. They are something that is not very hard to take care of, they don’t need very much attention, just a bit of food, a bed, and a warm interior house. 

Some of the things that you are going to need to know before you adopt a cat:

Make sure that you and everyone in the house hold knows that a cat needs to get used to their new environment, make sure that they realize that the cat needs to feel safe before any kind of bonding can start. We adopted a cat that was abandoned and hid in a heavy duty lathe. It took awhile to coax her out and to get her to relax to her new enviroment.

Like dogs, make sure that your new friend is spayed or neutered. 

Again, cats can be very independent, so make sure to expect that your new cat isn’t going to be very social. Cats are really used to bring an element of life to the household. 

You may be looking for a new snake

Something that people would call you crazy for is to bring home a snake as a pet, in the United States of America at least. They are slithery and smooth and very elegant in there movements, but they can also be pretty dangerous. 

So, its very important that you know a few things before you decide to adopt a new snake:

Make sure that you know what type of snake your getting, make sure that whatever you get is non poisonous and easy to take care of.

Make sure you know what kind of food your particular snake needs to eat.

Lastly, make sure that your cage, or tank is secure. It wouldn’t be fun to one day find your snake slithering out of it, or worse find it hiding in your furniture or rifling through your pantry. 

That was everything you need to know about a snake, but that can also be applied to any other kind of amphibian, snake, or fish. You need to have a secure place for them in your house, and the proper food to feed them, in scheduled appropriate times. 

The Conclusion 

So, that was everything you need to know about the most common of pets. Hopefully you found this informative and helpful to your endeavors in adopting a new pet. It will also hopefully make your life easier, especially if you still haven’t decided to adopt a new pet. 

There is a lot of things that you still need to know, so don’t stop learning and figuring out what kind of things your pet needs. What you read here was only a sample of what you could potentially experience as you move on with your new friend. 

So, just a heads up, there is still things that you will find helpful to know, this was only everything that you absolutely have to know in order to have an idea of what your doing. So, again, one last reminder, make sure that you continue researching and make sure you find all the ins and outs of what you need to do. So, thank you for your time, this was an analyze on how to adopt a new pet

Best Places to Take Your Dog in Tennessee

Tennessee is one of the best places to go on vacation, they have so many things to do and see that it is almost astounding. You won’t have any trouble finding what you need for your entire group. That is unless of course one of your group members is a dog, they’ll have some trouble, like every other amazing pet owner out in the world will have a little trouble finding some things that their furry friend can do.

Luckily for you and your amazingly friendly pup, we have found some of the absolute best places to take your dog to in Tennessee. We have places that they’ll love to relax at, amazing places that they can play at, and amazing places that they can get some amazing toys and treats that will make your pup so incredibly happy.

They have things on this list that will make your life a lot easier too, this list tells some of the place’s rules and regulations on what your pup can and cannot do at their location, and as is there provocative, usually have the option to kick you and your pup out of the place you’re visiting if you’re not following those rules and regulations, just like at every other place on the planet that has some amazing things to experience.

These places also have a ton of things to do for a variety of dogs and pups alike. They have things for little dogs, and they have things for big dogs, a lot of the time there is going to be places that gives access to both, and sometimes there will be places that doesn’t give any of them very much access at all. So, because of that, we compiled a variety of different places, so that you can have the luxury of simply finding the right one for you and your pup. Hopefully it won’t take your too long to really get to where you’re going and that you find the right kind of place for you and your pet dog.

Anyways, there is a ton of places for you and your pup to visit, all of them varying in style, availability, and your own personal preferences, so, hopefully we can find a match for you and your pup pretty quick. So, for your convenience and pleasure, here is a conveniently compiled list of all the best places to take your dog to in Tennessee.

Tin Cottage

So, for this list we can start of pretty easy in order to have some relaxing fun. The Tin Cottage is ana amazing place that you and hopefully your dog can have some fun at, if at not the very least some convenience. The Tin Cottage is a little shop that specializes in avid home décor.

They have a wide variety of all the amazing things that you’re going to need for your home, and they have it all available at there locations. Going inside is one of the most fun things that you can do, because you can see all the potential ways that you could possibly decorate your house. That is of course you’ve already decided on how you’re going to decorate your house, or you’re in the middle of decorating and you simply need supplies. Either way, it is still an amazing place to go and take a look around in.

The very simple reason that the Tin Cottage is on this list is because of the fact that they allow leashed pups and dogs into the store with their owners. How amazing is that. You can take your furry friend in to help you get supplies for whatever you’re decorating your house for.

If this isn’t really your kind of thing, but you are in the area and need some place to cool down, well the Tin Cottage does at least have free air conditioning, so for the very least you can go and check it out for that.


The second place on this list is going to be a bit of a 180, this one is a little bigger than your average small shop. Knoxville is a dog friendly city in the East of Tennessee and is just thriving with potential things to do with your amazing pup that you own. There are honestly hundreds of fun things you and your pup can do with your time here.

It is an amazing art scene; it holds a ton of festivals to show case some of the most breath-taking art that you are probably ever going to see. A lot of it being amazing landscapes and some amazing things that you will love to see and that you will just love to bring your dog with to see as well.

There is also a ton of amazing nature out there to go and see as well, a ton of places for your dog to go out in a trail and take a nice relaxing walk through. A lot of the natural trails and paths through the nature is very dog friendly, so you don’t need to leave behind your amazing pup friend unless you want to.

We here understand if you don’t want to go out into a college town for your vacation, but we really think that you would have a ton of fun with your furry friend here if you do decide to go. I mean all the pet friendly patios and live music that they have scattered around the place seems like the perfect place for a pup owner like you.

Walnut Street Bridge

This one is more for the more daring pet owner and pups, it’s a real adventure to go out onto to, you might actually feel like you’re in a movie. The Walnut Street Bridge is this gigantic half a mile-long bridge, that spans its way across the Tennessee river. It connects to the mainland, obviously, at two points, one is at downtown Chattanooga and the other is at North Shore.

This very fun attraction is pet friendly, so bring your pup with you, that is to say, bring your pup along if there not to scared of heights. This is an amazing place to go and see, it feels like your daring, adventurous as you cross the giant bridge, it’ll be something to brag about to your friends, and its something your pup will brag about to other dogs.

Forks of the River Trails

We’re going to stick to something a little familiar with this next one, both the Walnut Street Bridge, and the Forks of the River Trails, feature the Tennessee river. This amazingly peaceful area is something that you and your pup do not want to miss, it is the actual best place to take your dog on a walk in Tennessee.

This wooded adventure area is a really giant wooded area that is located in a. Very convenient place that overlooks the Tennessee river, as we said, and the French Broad Rivers. There are dozens of different trials that you can take out there, tons of new things to look at every time you visit. All of the trails are different in that they have different levels of difficulty and length, so make sure that you pick a good one for you and your pup.

Something that you should know, is that like a lot of other places, your dog has to be leashed here. It’s for your dog’s safety, other guests’ safety, and your own. So, remember that you’re going to have to leash your pup to keep them safe as your having your adventures here.

Also, just a little pro tip, if you go to the Forks of the River Trails in the summer, then you should park your car on the French Broad River side, to see the absolutely stunning fields of sunflower and they hired a consulting arborist to keep their trees in perfect condition. It’s a sight that you, you r family, and your pup aren’t going to want to miss on your very incredible trip.

The Southern

Branching off again in our variety of dog friendly places is The Southern. The Southern is this amazing steakhouse that’s located right in the center of Nashville, it’s really the perfect place to go when you need to get a delicious bite of food, but it is also amazing for a variety of other reasons.

A big reason that this restaurant is so amazing, and something that they themselves have tons of pride about, is there extremely impressive variety of oyster for their guests to choose from. They also pride themselves on sustainably sourced meats and fish, which is amazing because it keeps the food, we eat extremely fresh. He last big thing that they pride themselves on there is the fact that they used local produce, which again, means the freshest possible dishes for patrons such as you and I.

Something that you should know before making the long drive to this amazing steak house is the fact that it is extremely popular. It has tons of patrons going in and out of the place at all times, from opening to closing, and you might not get a table. It’s first come first serve, so make sure that you get there quick, or get there at a good time. A good thing about it is that our can just avoid all the stress of having to hope for a seat, you can just make a quick reservation and have it ready by the time you and your family, and your pup get there.

Now, the last, but certainly not the least fact about this place, is that it is pet friendly. We already said that they let pets in, but there is a few things that you need to know about it before you take your pup there. The patio specifically is what is pet friendly, and the outdoor seating, I’m not completely sure if they allow your friendly pup into the actual building itself, but I wouldn’t bet on it. So, make sure that you are prepared to eat outside with your pup in the amazing Tennessee sun.

Bicentennial Mall State Park

Another great place to take your pup is of course to a park, or maybe a giant state park that you both can have a ton of fun exploring. This is one of Tennessee’s prettiest places to visit and is one of the most historic as well.

It is just a full 19-acres of amazing views and amazing memories to make. The park has guided tours if you don’t feel like going out on your own with just your pup, it has public benches to take a break on, and a really nice business center that has incredible air conditioning. This park is absolutely amazing, it has spectacular views, and best of all your pup is allowed to come with you as long as they are on a leash. As we already established, they need to be on a leash because everyone needs to stay safe, You, your pup, and the people around you.

Lastly, once you and your pup get done exploring the amazing park, you can head across the street to the weekly farmers market, maybe pick up a few treats for your pup and yourself. All and all this sounds like a very fun thing to go do and something that will help make memories for both you and your pup.


This was our conveniently compiled deep dive list of all the best places you can take your dog to in Tennessee, and hopefully it was of some use to you and your very amazing pup. Hopefully you found something that both you and your pup are going to like, whether it’s a giant park, a long, bridge or an amazing steak house to eat at. It is all just amazing because Tennessee is amazing it is a beautiful state that you should visit when you get the chance and hopefully your pup has just as much as the humans that it calls family.