Fundamentals of Potty Training Your Puppy

training your puppy for potty training

Puppies will learn from birth to approximately 16 weeks of age. He will go to his new home to eliminate where he has been trained to go. Actually, he will go wherever his mother (or anybody else who is taking care of him) instructs him to go. Your puppy doesn’t know why he is being yelled at, but in the dog world, the mother is usually the only one to blame. Your puppy has no idea what is going on, and he does not care. All he wants to do is avoid hurting his new brother (your child) and get lots of attention. Your job is to communicate to him what is okay and what is not okay to do.

You will need to establish a consistent feeding schedule. 10-15 minutes after he eats, take him to the bathroom. Give him lots of praise when he goes, and take him back inside. He has to go at least 3 times in a row to learn that it is OK. What goes in must come out, and he needs to learn how to control his bladder until he gets to go more than 3 times in a row. This may sound cruel, but if you are gindog how to potty train a puppy, you do not want him to go all over the house. If you have an outdoor area, keep him in a fenced in area until he is potty trained.

Puppies may not make it all the way through this stage without at least one accident every few weeks. This is not because you are doing something wrong. Puppies are a lot like human babies. They are not able to control their bladders until they age 6 to 8 weeks.

Selecting a Potty Spot

Leftovers, and keep a close eye on your puppy. Just like human babies, they will have to eliminate a few minutes after eating. Sometimes they don’t even notice, and other times, they do so while eating. It is not always obvious, but if you pay close attention, you will usually be able to pick up on the signs that they need to go.

If you are not home during the day, you should plan to get a job. Keep the puppy in the area where you want them to eliminate. If you leave them for long, they will probably go in other places you don’t want them to. They also may have accidents due to fear.

Different dogs have different personalities just like people, and they also have different “abetes”. If this is your problem, get a trainer to help you.

If you are not able to keep a close eye on your puppy, you should crate train them. Crate training is especially good for a new puppy, because it helps them learn when and where to eliminate. It is not right to just put them in the crate and forget about them, however. When you are home, let the puppy out of the crate to pee.

The faster they get used to going in the crate, the quicker they will try to hold off their elimination. They need to stay on an indoor acres, or other indoor area until they are ready to go.Iindefinitely confining your puppy to an area, may be inhumane. If you cannot be on hand to monitor them once they are eliminating, they will be sure to have accidents.

It is good to give them a special place where they can go. Maybe put their favorite toys, and fresh water inside the designated area.

“What’s the big deal”, you say. My snuggie, thinks he has to pee when he is asleep – and I can’t get him to stop. Maybe the solution could be Individual Posture Alignment Therapy?

Several options for bladder control are available. You can put them on a 6-foot leash and give them 20 minutes and then take them out. This method is OK for puppies and small dogs. It keeps them focused.

The other option is a squirt bottle. Dogs are not big fans of urine, so the little squirt leaves a fast lasting spray. It helps then to walk them for a while. Give them a favorite toy to play with.

After a few days, as the puppy learns to eliminate outside, they will get used to it. It will be a symbiotic relationship.

Reward good behavior. Use a treat. With your puppy on a leash, clip on his leash. As he is eliminating, he gets a treat. It reinforces the behavior.

Don’t punish accidents. As tempting as it might be, don’t discipline your puppy unless you catch him in the act. If you find it out later, he won’t understand. He just doesn’t get the connection.

What to Teach Your Puppy Before He Is a Year Old

how to train a puppy

The beautiful thing about owning a puppy is that they can make us laugh and sometimes even save our lives. When you bring home that puppy out of the blue, it is truly a shock to your system. That cute little fur ball will need to be evaluated and trained in very important areas that will impact their entire life. If you fail to educate your puppy as to what is expected of him or her, you may end up with a dog that is stubborn, pushy and overprotective.

I am a huge advocate of positive reinforcement type training. You should never hit the dog or make threatening gestures toward them as a matter of fact. In some cases, you may want to stay away from training your puppy while he or she is actually a puppy. Just start out as early as possible. The beauty of beginning training early is that a puppy will be easier to train not only because they are smaller but they are also generally easier to train because they are more open to learning.

Training an older dog is just as important as training a puppy. Older dogs may be more difficult to train and may have already developed some bad habits. That is why it’s so important to retrain an older dog what type of behavior is expected. Gaining your dog’s respect is one of the most important things that you can accomplish when training an older dog.

Giving your dog a name is probably the most important thing you can do to start training your dog. Give them a name that is very short, like two syllables or less. Make sure that the name you choose for your dog is going to be fun to say out loud. When you call your dog, what part of the body do you see your dog’s back when they come to you?

You should spend a fair amount of time potty training your dog. This is a subject that some people feel is best left alone while others feel that it just need to be addressed. When you bring home an older dog, it’s not uncommon for them to have a potty accident in the house. If you notice this happening, and you respond with a stern “no”, you are most likely going to reinforce that negative behavior. So what should you do? Your dog’s potty training isn’t going to be an issue if you keep watch or control when and where your dog goes potty.

Before you bring home built by modular construction companies a new puppy, examine your dog and find out what kind of things they like to do. If you find out that your dog enjoys chewing a lot, you may want to make sure that there are some chewing toys available for them. The best way to train your dog is to keep them on a diet and schedule. If you find that your dog is having a hard time controlling when and where it’s potty, there are going to be some accidents and you need to clean up those accidents.

You are going to need to make a schedule to keep your dog on a regimen. If you find that you have to get up and stay late to take your dog out, then you may want to reconsider your schedule with your dog. Instead, consider a neighbor that is willing to let you use their yard early in the day for a potty break. This may be more convenient for you than letting your dog out in the backyard late at night, but it’s not going to work for your dog.

If you don’t have a neighbor, but are in a position to stay home with your new puppy, consider yourself lucky. But if you’re going to be requiring your dog to stay in a particular area, then your dog is going to either need to learn to go potty outside or you’re going to have to use a crate.


There are different types of collars and they all play an important part in potty training your dog. The two main types of collars are shock collars and citronella collars. These two types of collars have their own purposes, though. Shock collars work by giving your dog a painful shock every time they’re naughty. Citronella collars work the same way, but the dog hears a burst of citronella and gets a shot of citronella every time they bark for long. So the main difference is the sense of smell these collars have. Shock collars will give your dog a very mild electric shock and citronella collars will cause a squirt of citronella every time your dog barks.


Leash laws, the laws where you live can also make it a little more difficult for you to potty train your puppy on your own. It’s important to have a leash on your dog while you’re teaching them to go potty outside. Taking them out for a walk is a way you get them familiarized to going potty outside on a leash.

Puppy Obedience Training – Start When They Are Puppies

Puppy Obedience Training

Puppy obedience training should begin before they are 3 months old. By this time your dog should understand his surroundings and be well-adjusted. If you wait until your puppy is 3 months or older you may be missing out on a wonderful opportunity.

The killer of bad habits is to allow them to develop while they are young. After all, you would not allow a 5-month old baby to run before it was 3 months old, would you? If you do not start the obedience training of your young puppy now, you will find that it is a lot harder to unlearn the bad habits than it is to relearn the good habits, and you don’t want a puppy to tear up your house causing you to have to do a home remodel to fix on the chewed on banisters and scratched walls.

The best way to determine the age of your dog is to figure out the shoulder-to-chest measurement from the ground to the top of the shoulder. The top of the shoulder is the highest point in the dog’s body. From the ground to the top of the shoulder is approximately 2 inches. From the ground to the feet is approximately 1.5 inches. From the feet to the hock joint is approximately 1.25 inches. From the hock joint to the tail is approximately 1 inch. Therefore, if your dog has a body length of 27 inches from the ground to the top of its shoulder, the length of his body is approximately 56 inches. If your dog has a body height of 24 inches from the ground, the height of the dog is approximately 52 inches.

You should be aware of the following:

For each month of your dog’s age in months, add an inch to your figure for the month of your dog’s ideal weight. For example, a 2 month old dog should weight correctly at 36 pounds. If your dog is 3 months old, you should weigh 40 pounds. Now you can use these figures to calculate the correct weight for your dog. Type of food you feed your dog is a vital role in determining the weight of your dog. Don’t feed your dog any kind of food that is low in fat and high in protein. If you do feed your dog such food, you will put your dog on a diet that is going to make him fat and lazy. The consequence of being overweight to a dog is the same as it is to a human. It causes joint pain, disease and a shortened lifespan. If your dog is suffering from joint pain, see your doctor immediately.

If your dog is a working dog, energize him before you start any exercise schedule. A dog that is sluggish or listless when you come home at lunchtime is usually the one that was not given much exercise earlier in the day. Your dog will eat when you get home and will likely be out of breath. Don’t be surprised if your dog is out early in the morning and later in the evening. If your dog is a puppy, it probably didn’t get a lot of playtime early on either. Puppies have soft stomachs, but very little energy.

So, what type of food should you feed your dog? Low calorie, grain-free food is best. You can also try giving your dog smaller amounts of food more often. Give your dog a few doggy treats occasionally. You can’t feed your dog as much as it wants to eat (or the food tastes too bad to the dog), so it is a sensible plan to decrease the amount of food you feed your dog until eventually he stabilizes at a healthy weight.

There are supplements that you can give your dog if he has lost his appetite. If you feed your dog a diet that is low in nutrients, your dog will need a growth formula that is high in protein. Or, if your dog does not digest all of his food very well, he might need an extra source of carbohydrates to make up for his difficulty digesting his food.

Puppies Training – 5 Critical Development Stages in Puppies

training a puppy

5 critical development stages in puppies is something everyone considering a puppy should know. Training a puppy is easy even if you are a first time dog owner. If you know the developmental stages a puppy goes through you will have a better idea on how to train them. Most people refer to the 5 critical development stages of a puppy’s life. The first two are from birth to 3 weeks old and the last two weeks of life are from 3 weeks old to 8 weeks old.

Birth to 3 weeks old

birth is the most important part of a puppy’s life when it is born. It is when the puppy’s true personality is established. Puppies at birth can suffer from several diseases such as hypoglycemia, anemia, and congenital defects. At birth also is when they sense they are lost and have to find a way to survive. At three weeks of age they are much more active and energetic. They poke their paws, start to eat solid foods and are generally very curious.

toddlers between 4 to 6 weeks of age are at their most curious. They are trying to see and smell everything and anything. They love to play and chase and chew on anything that comes their way. Toddlers at this age can start walking on the beach or the lawn, or Texas Design a Landscape and other places that their curiosity will take them. They are trying to see and smell new things and enjoy learning about the world around them.

The 4 to 6 week period is one of the most impressionable periods of a puppy’s life. This is when they are curious and enjoy exploring their world. This is when they need to be around their mother and siblings a little more. mothering takes hold a little longer at this age and they need to be around others of the same breed or they are going to experience some serious developmental difficulties. This is a very important time in a puppy’s life.

4 to 6 weeks is one of the most dangerous and traumatic times in a puppy’s life. They are being separated from their mother and siblings and are now running the risk of being abused or neglected. Just like a young child they are trying to learn the rules of their new world. Canines are capable of causing a lot of harm to themselves physically or emotionally.

4 to 8 weeks is known as the imprinting period. This is the time of the puppy’s socialization. This is the time when they start to play and learn to get along with others. This is also a time that the mother will instinctively give them puppy food. At this age it is important to find a good veterinarian because they are being away from their mom for a period of time.

The 8 to 10 week period is the critical period of your puppies development. He is now playing with his siblings and learning from them. He is also now starting to trust strangers and become more self assured. At this age it is a good idea to have your puppy micro chipped. In just a couple of weeks your puppy will be old enough to go to the vet and adopt you as their parent.

The adulthood period is now the most challenging. If you want your dog to be an adult he needs to go through all the regular puppy development stages.eware that this occurs in your dog’s life is often spur rapid.For the first 15 to 18 months your puppy will be growing rapidly. During this growth period don’t expect any type of formal training. Your puppy is testing the boundaries between what is allowed and what he/she thinks is right. You will have a obedience Heat Cycle through his/her maturation. This usually happens between age 3 to 6 months. After this time your dog will start to test the rules of your training and if you are successfully consistent you will have an obedient dog. If you are not consistent he will find a way to test you. A smart puppy sometimes thinks that it is better to ignore the rules and do his own thing. When your dog’s desire is to be a leader he will later follow you just to see who is in charge. If a puppy learns that he is the leader of the pack he will later follow the leader and show his respect. If a puppy learns that he is allowed to be the leader of the pack he will be more willing to become an obedient companion.

This is why it is so important to begin training your puppy as soon as you bring him home. You want a family member who is obedient and a trusted companion who follows you no matter what. The important thing to remember is that a well trained puppy will grow into an obedient dog who is respectful and loyal to his family.