What to Feed Your Dog

What to Feed Your Dog

On a more serious note, even if your dog is a purebred, he or she might still develop health issues as they age. Health conditions can vary greatly from dog to dog, and even from a single incident to preventative measures recommended by your veterinarian can vary greatly depending on their age and health. These issues include allergies, thyroid problems, leg muscles, vision, hearing, and more.

These issues can be a ticking time bomb if they are not addressed early, but it is always better to nip it in the bud earlier on, rather than later when it is most serious.

The ideal average weight for all dogs regardless of breed, size or age isazes! Of course the lower the weight the better, but how do you get an average?

Let us start with body size. To get an idea of what a “healthy” weight should be for your dog, consider your dog as you would a way to measure height based on their length from the point of their elbow to the ground. It is safe to assume that your dog should weigh no more than 25 pounds for most dog breeds, although there are exceptions to this. Most breeds should weigh around 60-75 pounds unless they are an extremely small breed or a dog that is a purebred.

Now we need to talk about a dog’s weight being a factor in their health and their longevity. It is important to understand that the concept of “ideal” weight is different for dogs than it is for humans. For example, while 1 person may think that 60 pounds is ideal weight for a dog, another person may think that the dog can only live in 10 pounds, and still another may be 80 pounds but not suitable for a dog. What is ideal for one may be ideal for the other, and the same can be said for dogs.

So what are good ways to determine ideal weight? What can we do to change course and have our beloved canine companion be more shape and less fat? Finding a way to bring positive changes about weight can be one of the greatest obstacles for achieving good health for our dogs. There are a variety of ideas and approaches to change a dog’s weight and improve its health, all with the purpose of making your dog happier in life, healthier, and more independent.

The concept of using food as a way to determine ideal weight is fairly simple for the average loving dog owner. All you have to do is look at your dog and see if they are getting enough to eat. If your dog is gobbling up the food, it is likely that they should be eating a fairly light diet. If your dog is grabbing leftovers and leaving them on the floor to roll around in, something needs to be adjusted. A lighter diet may not be so good for them, but more exercise may be necessary to help them to get there. It really is that simple.

If you have a breed of dog that is more prone to weight gain, you have some options. You can either do tricks your dog can perform, such as playing fetch until they drop, or you can feed them moreKibbleto cut down on their need to eat. You can also get creative and feed your dog some healthy leftovers, or even some veggies, depending on what you have on hand. It might not be the best idea to feed your dog a whole scoop of organic kibble, since there is no regulation on what is allowed for pets in regards to portion size.

In a final decision on whether your dog is getting too much or too little food, look to your veterinarian. They can be trusted to know what your dog’s ideal weight should be. It is not a good idea to try to keep your dog from being overweight in the first place, if their eating habits are fine. Doing this can do more harm than good. You do have a choice of giving your dog the right food, but you should also give them the lightest food possible. and for those of you who do not know, 2 small portions of 2Different type of food is a cheaper then 1 Scoopof processed commercial dog food.

So now that you have decided that your dog is overweight, you have 2 choices of what to feed your dog. You can either reduce how much you give your dog or switch to a lighter food. For those of you that do not want to reduce how much you are feeding your dog, you have 2 options of what to feed your dog. You can either cut down on how much fat in the dogs diet, or switch to a lighter food. For those of you that do not know, 2 choices of how much to feed your dog, less then 1 Scoopof processed commercial food, well then 2 equalizations.

How to Avoid Obesity

Most dogs can avoid obesity with a combination of good food choices and staying active. Many dogs can’t avoid obesity. But not all dogs can avoid it entirely. If your dog is between 5-10% overweight he can be helped. But the only real way to help an animal get in shape is to help him shed the extra pounds.

Skin and coat

Good skin and coat is important for your dogs health. Without good skin and a coat that isn· seller than skin can be prone to scratching and other skin related problems. Many skin problems are the result of a skin that is either dry or too sensitive. A dry skin can lead to such skin problems as eczema. Many skin conditions can be the result of feeding your dog the wrong foods or treats, or of the wrong kind of collar or leash. A dog who is itchy or scratching due to skin problems can become a suppressive dog. The problem is finding a dog food or treats that won·’t hurt the dog and scratch the skin and coat.

ignoring the dog

Avoid attention to the dog when youinking. A dog who becomes a heavyweight dog or who continually bites and/or shakes his head may be motivated by chasing after people, food, or other pets. Strangers may perceived as a threat and lead to biting and other problems. Many people think that their dog will out grow this bad behavior. Certainly size is a factor, as well as sensitivity to the touch and heat. But, many behavior problems can be related to the dog simply not getting enough attention.

leaving the dog alone

Indoor dogs should always be walked on leash. Even if your dog is a small breed, you need to ensure that it receives proper exercise and doesn·t become obese as a result. Many problems can result from inappropriately controlled exercise. In many cases, a dog will gain weight at around the age of 4 or shows signs of rapidly gaining weight, which can indicate diabetes or other problems. Whether a dog is a pure breed or comes from a backyard with an over abundance of dogs, they need regular daily exercise. Signs of weight gain may include:

What you can do to prevent the problem:

People spend an inordinate amount of time attempting to prevent their dog from problems. This should not be done and is even more important for people who live with someone who lives an allergic dog. Here are some preventative measures to ensure your allergic dog does not acquire the symptoms.

Allergic dogs have a much higher risk of developing issues. If your dog develops a particularly nasty case ofKC-quin Clydesdale(always asks your vet), it may be better to contact your vet for advice rather than ignoring the symptoms.

Don’t come and play with the dog

If your dog displays signs of choke-Originating illnesses(coughing, sneezing, etc.)then you should have your dog checked out by your vet.

Alter the diet of your dog(overweight, high-protein, low-carb)at the first sign that they are becoming overweight. This is especially important for a dog that is allergic to food.

Inform the rest of the household of the condition(especially children)with the symptoms.

Dis inject a small quantity of insulin int the dogs system once or twice a day in order to correct the blood sugar levels.

If the condition is already fairly serious then your vet may recommend a change of diet, and more exercise.


Sometimes knowing what is wrong isn’t enough. In the case of my very allergic child I sought help from my dentist friend. Of course he was the only one to attempt this, and it proved to be a joke even then.

It’s really not reassuring when even your own vet can’t help. If this applies to you then pay attention to other possibilities such as Angels eyes(which he clearly had) or is your dog diabetic? Our dog had an allergic reaction to Ironworks Michigan. In the end you Hopefully will have to deal with the health of your dog.

How to Take Care of Your Dog

Pet owners with an overweight dog need to take other factors into consideration, such as their dog not getting enough exercise, being overweight coupled with the extra weight, health conditions and whether they have a history of medical problems.

Factor #1: Health Of The Pet

For a healthy dog, 60% of his weight should be fat. Fat means your dog is reaching for food but doesn’t have enough to keep him from putting on weight in the first place. For overweight dogs, the weight gain is causing them stress that can lead to heart and other health problems. It is important to take weight into consideration in addition to joint and heart health in addition to the health of your dog.



weight gain

less active

exercise recommended

less bounce to trot

gained from a bed or bulky crate

weight loss in canine

large bounce or lack of breath

rained to walk on 2 legs

do not bounce or gait

hold food and don’t knock it around

able to sit or stand

hold food, don’t attack its food bowl

end of chase

end of play period or “rewards” period

end of walk with signs of weariness

other reasons for weight gain

Some signs of overweight dogs include the following:

Barks at unusual times

Coughs or snorts

Dogs that hold food and don’t eat it

Ears bigger than usual, droopy, or puffy

Body hair coat looking overly “owzer”

Teeth that don’t look like they need to be broken

Leggy bodies

Heavy panting or drooling

Watery eyes or other indications of extreme drinking

You can determine your dog’s weight by making an assessment of its gums at different times of the day. The best way to do it is when you and your dog are both lying down. Gently squeeze your dog’s gums until they release the fluid. If your dog seems to be uncomfortable with this method, hold your dog’s mouth closed and gently scrape the gums until they release. Doing it gently without causing pain will likely make your dog less uncomfortable. How to take the gums back is a matter of preference for some people.

You will always want to check your dog’s weight as it is important for your dog’s care and safety. For a dog that is a working dog, he or she may need to be weighed every six to eight weeks. This is especially important as they age and their exercise needs change.

  • Weight management You will need to be very diligent with this task, as over weight dogs will have health issues and have a shorter life span.
  • Over weight dogs are a drag on their owners and not only are they overweight, but their care simply stink. When your dog is overweight, he or she is very uncomfortable and highly stressed. This makes a huge impact in his or her quality of life and longevity.
  • Weigh your pet weekly and use the results to help determine proper weight. With a little time and some effort you can easily take steps towards setting yourself and your dog up for a long healthy life.

Dog Health Care

Dog Health Care tips

Land mines and strychnine are two main dangers your dog may face – just kidding. Your dog should be provided with a collar and identification tags to make sure that both you and your dog will be returned safely. This is the only way that your dog may be returned to you if he becomes lost.

Your dog may be exposed to these dangers if he runs freely without a leash. Even dogs that appear well-trained can succumb to perils they perhaps don’t know they have. Make sure you keep your dog on a leash whenever he is outside and make sure you carry a practical antibacterial wipes whenever you are going for a walk or a ride in your vehicle. Walking barefoot on a hot sidewalk can also expose your dog to dangers of infection. Your dog can effortlessly swallow glass splinters, glass batons, or other sharp objects if he decides to try to chase a small bird and in the process, severely injure his paws. A tear in the skin that becomes infected can cause bacterial infection or other problems.

As you know, in general, dogs tend to live less than humans. This means that your dog will be at risk for many more illnesses and health problems. Two of the most common and potentially fatal dog illnesses are bloat and auto-immune myelopathy (wormable disease). If your dog bloat, seek veterinarian assistance immediately. You can restrain your dog with a muzzle, but do not cut off his air supply. Your dog may vomit repeatedly, result in extreme fluid loss, and will require fluids replaced. Your veterinarian should be aware of the dangers associated with bloat and tell you how to prevent it.

Stray dogs can become a nuisance and if you don’t belong to a dog association or leash law that rules the town, you may find yourself with an “out of control” dog. Any dog that barks without a reason may require the attention of animal control. If you cannot control your dog by yourself, you may need to get assistance from someone with dog training.

A potentially negative situation arises if you adopt a dog that has a tendency to bite. If you have children, you may find that the dog’s quick biting growls are interpreted as playful arms wrapping around the head of a child. To protect your children from becoming bitten, and so you you don’t have to ask an OSHA consulting company for help, you should teach the dog that the hugs and petting of the child are akin to him wrapping his jaws around a toy. If you have other dogs, the dog who they grow close to should always be avoided.

If you take your dog to a trainer, the probable result is that the trainer will recommend that your dog receive a checkup at the veterinarian. It is important to note that your veterinarian may identify an underlying problem that was not handled by the checkup and this could lead to other problems. It is far better and easier to handle these problems in the early stages of the growth of the problem than to have to treat them later on.

The ideal situation is to be able to handle any health problems by yourself and have the ability to treat them promptly and appropriately by a professional, skilled in dog health care. It would be nice to find someone with experience in dealing with your particular breed.

Protecting Your Dog

Applying common sense in the care of your dog is really the best way to ensure that he lives a long, happy life.brainer, I hear you say. Of course a dog is far more susceptible to dangers than we are, so keeping these hazards at arms length is a smart move.

Pets are curious by nature, and your pooch will always be looking for new places to explore and have fun. But, because domesticated dogs have been bred to have certain traits that serve their specific surroundings, they often become dangerous because they are not fully aware of their surroundings. Learning about how to prevent accidents and hazards along your path is beneficial to your dog’s health and safety.

Here are some common hazards and what you can do to prevent them.

Approaching a Poisonous Plant

If you have been out in your yard or been otherwise around poisonous plants, you may have seen a tick walking across a cut-off twig. This tick, or Rocky Mountain spotted fever tick, is infected with a GardensEast® infection that can cause Lyme Disease. This tick can also carry West Nile virus, but once you get bit by the tick, you should seek medical help for yourself, even if you don’t think you have contracted Lyme Disease.

If you find a tick that has been infected with a DS virus or Lyme Disease in your yard, it should be removed immediately. You can use a fine-tooth comb to remove the tick, or if it is relatively clean, use a tweezer to withdraw the head from the skin. From the head, use a pair of round-tipped tweezers and slowly pull the tick out of the skin. In the case of a curled-up tick, try to get it out with tweezers by pulling it out from the skin. In the worst cases, you may not be able to get the entire tick out of the skin or the body. If this happens, you will need to take your dog to a veterinarian.

Protecting Your Dog from Disease

In order to protect your dog from infection with deadly diseases such as leptospirosis and parainfluenza, the best thing you can do is to keep your dog safe. Using tick and flea preventatives on a regular basis is the best way to keep parasites off your dog. Also, always inspect and clean your dog’s ears on a regular basis and be sure to do so regularly to avoid any potential infections.

Keeping Your Dog Safe

Although all of the diseases discussed above are preventable and can be prevented easily, the best thing you can do is to keep your dog safe. Do not let your dog have contact with areas where he could come into contact with any sick animals or insects. Do be especially careful in the hot summer months, when ticks are out in full force. Also, bushes and other places where wildlife may have nestled may contain ticks or dog lice so keep your dog away from these areas.

Although any area may bear a tick or dog lice, rugs or other fabrics directly from a pet (or a created area) are the most common transmission sources. Pet owners who walk their dogs in wooded areas (especially wood piles or dense brush) are most likely to come into contact with dog lice. Keep your rugs and fabrics out of dog’s paws and keep your dog out of brushy areas by ensuring that mow is disposed of appropriately.

How to Take Care of Your Dog

All dogs need to be taught how to take care of themselves. They need to learn and understand that their responsibility is to take care of themselves, not solely to worry about what it is that might eat them. Many people share their homes with a dog that is by nature carefree, always wanting to have fun and play. These people become owners of “free-range” dogs, dogs that roam around and play without restraint. Unfortunately, there are dangers that lurk in wait for such dogs. Dog owners should be aware of the potential dangers and other matters that can be harmful to a dog.

One of the most common poisonous items found in nature is a mushroom. They are good to look at and they offer a rewarding experience when eaten. There are, however, tens of thousands of different species of mushrooms that are available in the world today, each potentially having a toxic effect. Your dog may take a bite or a break of the skin, and in a matter of days this can lead to illness.

There are a number of other items around your home that can be poisonous to your dog. Make sure to keep an eye on them. Make sure they are out of a dog’s reach. especially if you have other items in your home that can also be potentially harmful to your dog. A good rule of thumb is this: If you wouldn’t allow a child to eat it, don’t let your dog.

The Internet is a particularly concentrated source of information about various substances. However, if you come across information on the Internet about poisons that are potentially lethal to dogs, you should exercise caution and read the information carefully before you share it with your pet. The same goes for information on products that are potentially harmful to your dog. However, you should not judge the quality of information on the Internet as reliable. Remember: If you come across information on the Internet that seems trustworthy, you should exercise caution and not share it with your pet.

In some cases, people can develop allergies to chemicals and these can be harmful to their dogs. If you refrain from giving your dog a bath or a haircut, and you are worried about the effects of chemicals on your dog’s hair,chocolate could be the culprit.Caffeine can also cause problems for your dog.Finally, everyday products such as flea powder, doggie repellent and fragrance can be problematic. Exercise caution in these cases.

Dogs have a touch of innate intelligence that is available for any owner to tap into to help them take care of their dog. There are many things that you can do to help your dog enjoy his or her life. You are your dog’s guide and your dog will be happy and well-adjusted if you take the time to love him or her. Also, remember that a content and well-adjusted dog is much easier to control than a spoiled and confused dog.