Dog Training Basics

Dog Training tips

You will be surprised at the amount of dog training you will need to do, and by how much it will cost you. It is something that is vital to have before you take your dog on the journey. Before you head out the door of the pet shop with the newest member of the family in tow, there are some things you need to train your dog to do.

Training is something that is vital to your dog. If you don’t believe me, ask any dog owner of your acquaintance. Dog training is vital to the well being of the dog. If you want your dog to listen to you, and not to run wild anywhere or do anything crazy, then you will need to make sure that he is trained.

Now, training a dog is not an easy task. If you want him to listen to you, you will need to devote time and effort into it. You will need to learn how to train him. Thankfully, it is not as hard as you might think; or for that matter, not as hard as you would think.

If you dedicate yourself to the task of training your dog, you can achieve amazing results. One of the best things about training him is that you will not have to worry about him biting someone or hurting another dog. This is a protected world and he is only going to get a little bit of runaround, so he better not be doing too much crazy stuff.

Be stern and firm when training your dog. By nature, they are not very smart. What you need to do is think like a dog and use those dog like thinking habits to give him a message. Be careful not to strengthen the negative traits that he is already showing.

For example, if you want him to listen to you, you don’t abuse him or scream at him for doing something bad. This will not help the situation. What it will do is make him scared of you and he will be too scared to listen to you.

I great tip I got from a friend who does luxury house plans and recently trained his puppy told me, “Be patient when training your dog. You have to make him wait sometimes. This is not being unfair to him. Dogs are just animals and they do not have the same thought processes that humans have. If you have a dog that is not listening to you, then it is not because he is stubborn or makes mistakes on purpose. It is because he was not taught how to make his own decisions. You just need to get his thinking machine started working properly.”

Bach is a great example of a Pink anything, right? Well, dogs respond to Bach because it is so easy to do. They learn to listen and fully understand everything by repetition. Just like humans, dogs live in packs and they like to function as part of a group. There is a leader of the group, usually the mother of the group. The mother will train the rest of the dogs, just like she would a family. She would communicate and correct the behavior of the group and then feed them.

So, if you have a new puppy and you are paying attention to his behavior, just remember that mother is always right there and she is working with him. Just be patient and you both will get through the pain and the learning process together.

How to Crate Train Your Dog

crate training a puppy

Crate training a dog can be quite a challenge. For many of us we find the idea of crating our dogs’ appealing. The warmth and safety that this provides us is a great temptation for us. However, we don’t need to do this all the time.

The reason that this technique is not so good for your dog is because he is not going to see this as a safe area. He is going to view this as a prison and it his territory.

How will your dog feel about it?

Here are some things you can do to help him enjoy his crate.

Remember that crate training is all about providing a pleasant experience for your dog. It should not be a prison.

A tip from a friend who does program management and recently crate trained his lab told me, “Provide toys to make sure that he doesn’t become bored. Stuffed Kongs are great because they can be hollow in which you can place some goodies inside. This way, instead of going to town on his toys he won’t be inclined to chew on anything else.”

If he has some bones in it also, then this is a chewy alternative to bones.

Make sure that he can still go outside and play when he is in his crate.

You can place his blanket in his crate, if his favorite spot is not that of a crate.

If he wants to go out (and he should because he is a house dog) leave him a little time after he is used to his crate.

One of the biggest challenges for us is potty training a puppy. Crate training can help tremendously with this.

If you keep your puppy in a crate at night and then take him outside for a walk first thing in the morning, then you automatically part of the crate training when your puppy gets older.

This can help tremendously, especially at night, when you are trying to get him potty trained. This is also a good method for soothing your puppy when he is over excited.

For your crate training, put blankets with your dogs’ scent on it. One of my dogs has a blanket with her name on it. This way it is her blanket and she knows that she is herding at night and when she goes outside.

Don’t make that prison (oh what is there to say?) A nice place for your dog to sleep is a box, or a crate that is big enough for him and he can stretch out. But don’t leave him in there for a long time; it will become a place of his own and he will want to be there all day. Yes, we have made the crate part of the morning time routine so that he is in it for 8 or 10 minutes before we go to work. We plan on this being a daily occurrence for a while yet.

Just keep in mind that crate training and potty training are very different things. Crate training has more guidelines for you to follow, but potty training is a completely different ball game. If you potty train your dog properly, accidents will be rare and you will not have the smell of pee in your home for days and days.

We have a lot more to cover in more articles about how to potty train your dog. But we are done now. Think of these potty training articles as a do so for those of you who already have dogs and are just curious. You will get a few good ideas on the spot.

Dog Training Secrets Revealed

Dog Training Secrets

Have you ever wondered why your dog might not listen to your commands? Or maybe you’ve decided that training your dog will be a positive experience and not a time you’d rather leave frustrated, especially with the amount of Secrets of a Professional trainer that you have to take cover to complete the task at hand.

Here are your answers:

They can’t hear you

Dogs are pretty amazing creatures, right? They can hear both above the noise a whole lot better than we think. They also hear every single sound that is around them and that’s why they are barking when the wind is howling or the snow is on. They don’t hear storms when we’re out and they don’t hear the ring of a doorbell. And I’ve yet to meet a dog that didn’t like laughter. It’s all around them. They don’t hear or realize they are barking.

And because they don’t realize they are barking, they don’t stop barking even when you want them to stop.

Blood, Bones And Toes

I refer to this juicy bit of knowledge as “the bloodstream”. When the bacteria or etc. enters the dog’s body through the mouth or eyes etc. it enters the bloodstream. In the blood, the white blood cells rust and the red blood cells exist. They get allocate there because the body needs them.

The bacteria or etc. must have a way to get from the mouth or eyes etc. to the appropriate place if you want it to happen. The appropriate place is the red blood cell. That’s why the red blood cells need to be Territory by the bacteria or etc. first in getting to the appropriate place. If they are not there to start the process, then the bacteria or etc. will not meiosis. If they are there, then it’s a different story.

I don’t think I need to go into how important a role Coloring is in a dog’s life. That’s why I have 2 amazing Golden Retrievers and one of them is blind. She has beautiful seeing eye dogs.

Their immune system is made up of many different types of cells

Dogs have many more white blood cells than humans. It’s because they have (stay with me here) Active Catheters.

Some dog science I got from a sale associate while picking out cabinets at a cabinet design studio is active Catheters are bodies that transport live enzymes, which in turn create chemical reactions that push away bacteria from cells or proteins and live cells. So when the bacteria enters the dog’s bloodstream and starts to push towards the red blood cell it dies because there are so many extra useless dead bacteria in the bloodstream.


What do all these things have to do with my dog and why is she blind?

Well, there are many diseases that kill dogs on a routine basis. In fact, I had a Teaching C pointer who was basically blind from birth. And he kept getting sick and eventually he was losing his eyes. Although, eventually the teaching C pointer was able to teach his owners that her dog was basically blind and were trained to step on his rear and when he went, the dog would step off.

So, does that mean your dog is ignore when he goes and it causes him to be blind?

Shock Collar Dog Training

Dog Training

Dog training with a shock collar is a good option for dog owners who want a gentle, non-violent yet highly effective method to train their dog. The shock collar is ideal for dog training because the the device that is worn around a dog’s neck senses when the dog has misbehaved, and delivers a slight shock to the pet when it does something that it should not. shock collars are especially useful if a dog is not in the mood to be trained or just does not know what is expected of him or her, but the shock is not painful to the dog.

When to Start Training

Start dog training the moment you get your new dog and start to integrate the dog with the family; the earlier the better. Training needs to be done when the dog is still a puppy for the best results. Every day after the following steps is when you should begin to train your dog.

Be sure to always be consistent with your dog training. This means that you need to come up with a specific time and place each day where you will be taking your dog out and training him or her that day. This will be when you are both relaxed and not overly excited, and this will help you both have the proper calming effect. Before you begin, be sure that your dog is on a leash and within easy reach to you. This will help you keep control of your dog.

Walk in the same direction as the dog. Do not move to far away when you begin dog training. This just tells your dog that you are the alpha and you want him or her to follow you.

Give a quick tug on the leash. This will let your dog know that you are the alpha and that you mean business.

Toss a ball and then give the command to come, or any other command you wish to use for training. Then toss the ball back to the dog. This tells the dog that play time is over and that he should come back and pay attention.

Some dogs love to play, others not so much, but it is important to know when to let your dog know when playtime is over. If you pay attention to the body language of your pet, he or she will sense it as well, and they will look for other ways to please you.

Social Feeding. Dog training requires that you establish yourself as the alpha. If you don’t take control in the beginning, your dog will. When you let your dog know that they are going to be the alpha, it is not long before they want to be in charge and leading you up the EZ access ramps. When this happens, training can become difficult because they will want to control you and have all the fun.

A good way to get your dog to respect you is to feed them before you eat. In this way, the alpha dog of the house becomes the feeder, and the alpha dog becomes the dog that gets to eat all the time.

Avoid Personal control. You must avoid showing personal control by doing this as it is showing weakness in your dog training.

When it comes to training a dog, it is important to show that you are the one in charge. In addition, to showing your dominance, you have to prove that you are a capable and intelligent trainer. If you can do this, you will see results from your dog that are sure to impress you.

Your Training Attitude With Your Dogs

dog training with a good attitude

Anyone who has owned a dog and then lost that companionship and found themselves without a home realize how close the dog and its master seemed to be. How could they be so well matched? And how is it possible that they could form a strong bond more stronger than that of man and woman?

I believe they can. In one of my favorite quotes, wilderness explorer Bernard De-, ayahuasax, speak of “a bond between people and animals that goes beyond the tie of friendship.” He implies that even in the wild, dog and man “have mutual sympathy and co-operation.” I whole heartedly believe this to be true.

Here are some other thoughts on the topic of a strong dog-human bond.

Perhaps you have heard of rituals wherein dog and master stretch out in a circle and burn excess calories. You have probably seen rituals where dog’s are asked to do strange things over a period of time. A balance is often struck and a new relationship is formed.

I wondered about these bond forming rituals when you see a display of dog obedience training. Is there a power of attraction that creates this? If so, how does it work? People have always had a strong attraction for dogs. Is there a stronger attraction for a dog than any other mammal? Also, are we more inclination to be attracts instead of repeaters?

I have always maintained that a dog giveth and we must receive . That statement might need a bit more explanation, but it still holds true. If you give a dog a treat and he has one of those ‘I love you’ moments, you have hit the bull’s eye. If you ask him to ‘sit’ and he does it for an extra treat, hit the bulls eye again. The constant and unending offering of treats makes the bull plenty happy.

That, my friends, is the definition of a bond.

There is a saying that a dog is a man’s best friend and I whole heartedly agree. There is a saying that goes, “A dog is a man’s best friend, or he would be too lonely.” Now, I would never suggest anywhere that a dog be put in a position where he would be left in the hands of strangers for the rest of his days, but what I have realized is that, at our best, we are a practically a one-dog family.

Now, again, I know that there are instances when this isn’t the case. I have seen situations where dogs are left behind by their owners, some to save them from a dangerous situation. I have witnessed situations where dogs are treated as objects, thrown into already inflated crates, towed behind rusty cars that didn’t use cortec spray, left to bark incessantly, hit, kicked, choked, starved, etc. These things happen piece-and- sterling of late.

What I have learned from my experiences, is that, the more I get to know you, the more I respect you. The old saying, “You cant promise me only good things” really does hold true. Sometimes the best things in life aren’t necessarily toys or treats, but the ones that we give unconditionally and without condition.

Give your dog a special toy or treat. Use one that they really want. It will maybe be something they know is a favorite, or a treat that they have to work to get. They’ll love you and respect you even more for it.

Easy and Effective Dog Training Techniques

Effective Dog Training Techniques

Dog training helps in strengthening and improving the communication between you and your pet when you are training him. It also brings out the friendliness in your pet. For all the owners out there, having a pet dog is truly a joy. With proper training, your pet can not only live a healthy life but they will also love to spend more time with their owners.

Dogs are naturally used to follow their natural instincts. With obedience training, they can learn to be obedient and follow commands from you. This will not only grow his ability but also his desire to please you. With the help of this training, you can also prevent your pet from becoming a nuisance when there are other people around or when you are in public.

Before you can start with the actual training, you need to first build the right relationship with your dog. This may take time but it is not as difficult as you may think. You need to have patience when training your dog. If you give out some back and forth threat regularly, your pet will be confused and would not necessarily follow your commands. At the same time, you have to give some rewards or treats every time he properly follows your command. With this, he will realize that you like it when he obeys you.

Examples of rewards can be saying “Good dog!” in a happy voice followed by giving him some treat. You can also pat your dog’s rear or even rub his belly as a way of expressing your approval. When choosing the right reward, you must have it in sight and when he notices it, you must give it to him right away. This will prevent your pet from knowing the exact reason for the reward.

You can pair voice or hand gesture with your reward as well. During training, whenever your dog does the action right, you must offer him a treat in exchange for his pleased behavior. Rewarding is an essential part of dog training. Based on the three- legends, here are some common commands you can teach your pet:

This will make him familiar with the following commands:

In no time, your pet will be obeying your every command.







Come here

Leave it

Drop It


Sit still






Come here

Leave it


If the above-mentioned commands please you, then it’s time to teach him some more. If you want him to follow you, you must therefore bring out the big guns and train him to walk obediently beside you and not running off and around trees in which you will need an arborist handbook to get your dog back. While being dragged along on the leash by the leash, he will develop such that he never wants to leave your side.

Talk to your dog while training. This not only will develop his understanding but also learns how to respond to your oft- begs.

You can let your dog play with other pups as this will develop his interest in following his leader.

Let the puppy learn to sit, lie down and shake hand.

Train his obedience by doing it over and over again at home.

You can pat his head, use encouraging tone and reward him with a treat every time he follows your command.

Put his potty training on a slow pace, start with once every few hours and after few weeks, remove the potty training and let him go to the potty on his own.

Why Dog Training is a Good Idea

Why Dog Training is a Good Idea

Training a dog need not be a highly structured and tedious process. In fact, it can be a smooth and easy process. Anyone can train a dog as long as they have enough dedication and patience.

Seeing that dog training is a necessary part of owning a dog, you must realize the seriousness of the topics that you will have to cover. Because you are to remain faithful to the pet long-term, you will also have to make up your mind regarding how much responsibility is involved.

Responsible dog owners make sure that their furry companions undergo professional dog training. This means that dogs should undergo a behavior training, leash training and obedience training. You will have to learn how to train your dog to stay, sit, jump and fetch.

However, if you consider taking care of a dog without worrying about the behavior or the training of it, it will be a mistake. In fact, it will be a waste of your time, since you will not be able to attain any beneficial outcome. It is best to consider training your dog as part of your responsibility.

If you don’t want to spend a couple of hours every day on dog training with an executive coach, you need to make a daily plan to accomplish the same. You can acquire a few helpful tips by considering the type of dog that you have and its behavior.

For example, if you have a dog that has a habit of barking at the passing cars, you will have to attempt to prevent it from doing so. This will not be an easy thing to do, and you will need to exert more patience and effort.

More effort than you have expected will be needed to show your dog that it is wrong. You will have to stay alert at all times so that you can prevent them from doing any unnecessary things.

More training will ensure that you are able to take charge of the situation in an effective manner. You will have to stay consistent and persistent at all times. part of this is due to the fact that different dogs have different behaviors and attitudes.

These are the factors that you need to take into consideration when you want to begin training your dog. You must work together to establish common ground.

How to Train a Dog to Stay

Although it may seem like an easy task, training a dog to stay can be quite complicated. The transition from when the dog knows where he stands to being able to stay will be a gradual learning process.

You will need to follow several different courses, although the emphasis will be on more complex behavior. The basic premise of your dog training will be the counterconditioning and desensitization of the dog. This means that you will need to teach your dog that there are alternative means and methods to the problem, and that it is okay to relax.

Although counter conditioning may seem like an easy fix, it is actually quite an complex and difficult pattern of training. Also, if you want to be successful, you will have to put in a lot of time. There are also several unpredictable factors that can throw things for you and your dog into reverse.

You can help counter condition your dog by establishing a designated area for your dog to stay. This should be an area that is safe and away from a lot of noise or distractions. It should also not be in a place that you would rather use your dog as a toilet.

The next step in the counter conditioning program involves moving your dog into the allowed area. You can use a leash to minimize the frenzy of the allowing process, and slowly and calmly make your dog move into the allowed area. Every time your dog goes into the allowed area, reward him with a gentle pat or stroke.

Do the same thing over and over again, walking your dog to the allowed area and rewarding him each and every time. Chances are that he will settle down and rest as he always has done. In short order, your dog will understand the pattern and associate the rewards with using the allowed area.

Over time, you can take the necessary steps to make the counter conditioning a bit easier for your dog. For example, now that he is used to resting on the couch, you can put his bed there instead of making him sleep on the hard floor.

But let’s say that you’re not seeing any significant changes in your dog’s behavior. Maybe you’re just aren’t giving him enough attention. It’s possible that he’s just bored.

Many dogs develop psychological problems such as separation anxiety when they’re bored. Consider this scenario:

A bored dog chews up the sofa

While there may have been other factors behind his actions, your dog is certainly picky and choosy. He discriminating about the sofa he wants to rest on. Now that he has a choice, he prefers the sofa that is covered in a shredded package.

How to get your Dog to Stop Chewing on Furniture

dog chewing on furniture

So, your pooch, whether it’s just got its new home, or moved in when you did, has been chewing on your furniture. Obviously, that’s not that great, especially considering that furniture is pretty expensive and hard to fix.

Every dog owner is going to at one time or another come home and find that their favorite chair got chewed up. Once in a while you’ll come home and find out that your slippers have been ruined due to your pups gnawing problems. It happens, if it hasn’t it eventually will, and that’s perfectly okay, that’s just the life of a dog owner. But that doesn’t mean that you should just let it happen.

So, you need to get your version of man’s best friend to stop messing up your stuff, luckily for you, you have the internet and have come to this lovely place to find all the answers your gonna need to solve this problem. So, for your convenience, here is a conveniently compiled list of how to get your dog to stop chewing on your furniture.

Understanding How Dogs Work

You know how when an infant first comes into the world and there first instinct as they grow is to start chewing and gnawing on anything they can grab. Well, they do that because they are curious about their world, and they learn threw their mouths.

They can figure out if something is toxic, if something tastes, good, if they can fit that object into their mouth completely or not, etc. It’s something that’s actually very fascinating, it’s strange to think that people grow up learning about things by using mouths as one of their major senses.

Anyways, the other major reason that infants chew on things just constantly is because their teeth are growing in and its unfortunately uncomfortable for them. So, they chew on things in order to alleviate some of that discomfort and to figure things out about their environment. There little productive scientists aren’t they.

It’s the exact same thing with puppies. Just like infants they need to be able to explore the new world they entered, figure out what they are, and what the things around them are, which is also quite fascinating seeing as its two completely different species doing the exact same thing, its very cool.

Anyway, if you have a puppy or two or three in your house and there chewing on things, then that is probably one of the major reasons there doing it. It’s just a way for them to explore, grow their teeth in, and get comfortable with their new surroundings. So, it may be frustrating having them adjust, but just remember to not get too angry with them.

Now, an older dog, about a year or older should normally be out of that phase, so they probably have different reasons to be chewing on your furniture. What sucks about this is that a dog older than a puppy could have dozens upon dozens of reasons to be chewing on the furniture, and it can take an entire article in itself to go over just the bare minimum of the most basic reasons that they could be doing it. So, to keep things on more of a time sensitive case, we’re just gonna go over some of the most basic of basic reasons that they could be doing it.

They’re bored. That is the simplest reason that there chewing on your things. They, like kids need interaction and things to do, and when they don’t get that, when there just kinda left to their own devices, or just not getting the attention that they want at their own level, so they try to alleviate that boredom by chewing on your poor couch.

Now, something that’s really important to note is that all dogs are different, and they all need a different level of attention. You could be giving your pooch all of the love in the world and they still might not be satisfied with that, on the other hand you could give them no attention whatsoever and they may not care at all (though that’s kinda rare), so don’t beat yourself up if you think this is the reason, just try to give them a little more attention and it should go a long way to get them to stop chewing on your very expensive furniture.

The second most basic reason that they may be chewing on your things is because they are scared and/or feeling separation anxiety. Basically, they are a just a bundle of nerves and they don’t know what to do about it, so they just start chewing on things.

They feel nervous about something, you are leaving the house for a few hours, lightning and thunder, past abuse, and they chew on your things as a nervous tick. Kinda like when we humans bite our fingernails because we feel nervous, we don’t know what to do, so we just stress and try to shorten our finer nails. Now, that just is very unfortunate, but you can consult a separation anxiety specialist to help you out with your pup’s feelings.

So, those are the two most basic reasons that your dog is going to be chewing on your furniture. Though something that is really important to know, is that this may not be the only reasons your pup could be chewing on your stuff. Like I said before, there could be a million different reasons for your dog to be chewing on your furniture, so keep these two basic reasons in mind, but make sure that you try to find out the actual reasons, as these may not fit your dog’s situation. Moving on, we are gonna tell you how you’re gonna be able to figure out how to keep your precious things out of your pups’ mouth and safely stored in its appropriate places.

Be Patient

All of the methods and ways were gonna show you are all very effective, but the number one thing you can do in this scenario is to have patience. Like we said before, every dog is different, just like every human is different, and they all have different ways of coping and handling with things.

So, your pup is going to have different reactions, positive and negative, to every solution that your gonna try. It’s probably going to be a long annoying journey for your pup to learn to not to chew on your things, but in the end, it’s going to be worth it, for your pup, and you. You get to keep your things intact and your pup gets comfort and discipline, making everything all around a lot better.

Keep an Eye On your Pup

This is the most basic thing you can do when your pup is chewing on your furniture, or if there doing anything really disobedient or something that you don’t really want to happen. You can keep an eye on them, figure out what they’re doing, how there doing what they’re doing, and where there doing it. Basically, when you keep a proper eye on them, and figure out their patterns you can recognize how to stop them chewing and to comfort them.

Now, a good example of figuring out patterns would be thunderstorms. Lots of dogs around the world actually have a fear of thunder, it’s a really loud noise coming out of nowhere, and they don’t know what it is, so obviously, its gonna make them nervous, thus they’ll start trying to comfort themselves, sometimes by hiding, by running to their owner’s and sometimes by chewing on furniture. So, if you can see that every time it starts to thunder and lightning you can be there for your pup to comfort instead of your favorite chair.

This one seems kind of obvious, but you would be surprised how many dog owners take it for granted, so make sure you take time out of your day and keep an eye on your pup.

Let Your Pup Exercise

Your pup may not be getting their daily walks and that’s one of the things that could be aggravating them to chew your furniture. So, if you’re not taking them on their daily walk then you need to start giving it to them. Though I’m going to be honest, I really doubt that you’re not taking your pup on walks, most dog owners love it as a recreational activity.

If you are being the amazing dog owner you are and taking your pup on a walk, then maybe you could try taking them on longer walks, or maybe increase the number of walks that you go on in a day. So, if you’re giving your pup a thirty-minute walk, maybe increase it to an hour, maybe an hour and a half. If you’re only taking your pup on one walk a day, maybe bump it up to two, maybe even three if you have the time available to you as a human being in your life.

As you know a pup needs their exercise and every pup is different, as we said before, so they all need varying exercise. Some pups are big and only need a little exercise, some small dogs need tons of exercise. Anyway, just try and get a good idea of how much your pup needs to exercise and you will find that they’ll be much more obedient, much tamer, and a lot more friendly. So, give it a try and you’ll probably see results a lot faster.

Find Chewing Toys

A big one that can really help you out and get your dog out of the habit of chewing your furniture, is to find them something else to chew instead of your very expensive furniture. There are dozens of toys that your pup can play with and teeth with, or find comfort in with their own issues, like the big scary thunderstorms.

So, you can find some at Walmart, amazon, target, any retail store, you can really find some kind of chewing toy for your pup and make life for you and your pup. All of it will be great for you guys and it will make your pup much friendly now that they have a fun little toy to play with and make your life easier.


In this deep dive analyze of what you can do to get your dog to stop chewing on your furniture, we talked about getting to know your dog, why they might be chewing on your things, what’s causing them to do it, what could be some possible reasons, such as discomfort, anxiety, and fear, we talked about some solutions to fixing the issue, like watching patterns, figuring out why your pup is chewing on your furniture due to outside forces, giving them a god amount of exercise, playing with them, finding different things for them to chew instead of your furniture, and a lot more.

Some of the solutions that we offered to today be really great and should be able to help you out in your time of need. The first thing we told you to do is to have patience. As long as you can stick with your pup and try not to get upset with them, then it can make the whole process easier of getting them to stop and to make sure they stay comfortable. The next suggestion was to increase their exercise, so they feel like they’re getting the attention they deserve, and the healthy lives they need, next we explained why you should get them a toy to replace your furniture and keep your possessions safe.

That is, it for today, only a few minor notes to leave you with. Your things are precious and and you didn’t spend a fortune on architectural design for home and furniture, so make sure you put them in the places that your dog can’t reach, make sure they stay safe, and they can’t get to it. Make sure to stay patient, not to get aggravated with your dog and it’ll all be great. Thank you, this was a deep dive analyze on some of the things you can do to keep your dog form chewing on your furniture.