Why Every Dog Has To Be Potty Trained

potty training tips

Many dog owners fail to realize the importance of potty training. Potty training should start as soon as your pet sets foot in your home. Failure to have your pet trained soon will lead to a lot of additional work. This could also cause you a lot of anxiety. It’s important to know how to properly train your dog so that they learn to tell you when they need to go outside to eliminate.

Dogs are habit animals. They will learn a certain behavior if they are often repeated. If they are inside the home for long periods of time, they will be more prone to making your home their personal toilet. Because dogs are creatures of habit, it is a good idea to teach them to tell you when it’s time to get up and go outside.

Some people think that potty training is cruel to let a dog out of the home to relieve themselves because they look cute and you feel like they’re taking the neighborhood for a walk. This is far from the truth.

Potty training is a very important step in establishing good communication with your pooch. They will learn if you’re clear and consistent with the rules. Starting early makes it easier for your dog to understand what you want and they’ll pick it up fast.

One of the top dog training tips is to reward your dog for good behavior. It can be in the form of a treat or someone saying “good boy!” Every dog is different so watch to see how they respond to praise and pats.

They will start to understand that if they follow the rules, they get praise and pets. They’ll soon realize that every time they go outside, it’s going to get them a reward.

Potty training is one of the first things you’ll want to teach. It’s important to stress the importance of taking him outside right after he wakes up. Just make sure you’re not near a power pro generator since the noise would scare the pup into not peeing. That way he’ll know right away what he’s supposed to do. Make sure you have a lot of treats ready for your pooch.

If you’re too busy for that, then try to take him out every 30 minutes during the day. Soon he’ll realize that outside means potty time and he’ll keep it outside no matter what the weather is like. You might also want to try to take him out first thing in the morning before he gets any morning energy.

It’s easy to get carried away and start petting and playing with your dog. But that’s also the time you should nip that behavior in the bud so that he knows that that’s not the way to do things. Let him know that what he’s doing is not OK.

Dogs need to know that you’re the boss. Once they learn that they won’t get anything from barking and whining, they’ll stop. Some canines are more stubborn than others, but it’s usually the owner that wets up potty training. Most people get whining and barking out of fear.

If you’re armed with the right information, patience, and compassion, potty training should go much easier. Here are a few tips for getting through that stage.

-Remember:Just because he’s a puppy, doesn’t mean he can’t act like a grown-up.

-Reward him for being good. Don’t punish him for not behaving.

-You have to let him know that peeing in the house is not OK. Once he has an accident, let him know he’s done a bad thing.

-Spend some time playing with your pet. If you’re too busy for that, find someone who will play with him. Dogs get bored just like people.

-If you know someone that uses potty training bells, teach your dog to ring them so he’ll get set to know his own alarm clock.

-Be sure to show him the right place to go. Don’t punish him if he doesn’t know this.

-Make it a daily habit to take your dog out for a walk. If he doesn’t know where he’s supposed to go, he won’t try to hide it.

-Once he’s trained, get him a petpassport.

-And finally, just remember that it takes time and consistency to potty train a puppy. It will not happen overnight.

Fundamentals of Potty Training Your Puppy

training your puppy for potty training

Puppies will learn from birth to approximately 16 weeks of age. He will go to his new home to eliminate where he has been trained to go. Actually, he will go wherever his mother (or anybody else who is taking care of him) instructs him to go. Your puppy doesn’t know why he is being yelled at, but in the dog world, the mother is usually the only one to blame. Your puppy has no idea what is going on, and he does not care. All he wants to do is avoid hurting his new brother (your child) and get lots of attention. Your job is to communicate to him what is okay and what is not okay to do.

You will need to establish a consistent feeding schedule. 10-15 minutes after he eats, take him to the bathroom. Give him lots of praise when he goes, and take him back inside. He has to go at least 3 times in a row to learn that it is OK. What goes in must come out, and he needs to learn how to control his bladder until he gets to go more than 3 times in a row. This may sound cruel, but if you are gindog how to potty train a puppy, you do not want him to go all over the house. If you have an outdoor area, keep him in a fenced in area until he is potty trained.

Puppies may not make it all the way through this stage without at least one accident every few weeks. This is not because you are doing something wrong. Puppies are a lot like human babies. They are not able to control their bladders until they age 6 to 8 weeks.

Selecting a Potty Spot

Leftovers, and keep a close eye on your puppy. Just like human babies, they will have to eliminate a few minutes after eating. Sometimes they don’t even notice, and other times, they do so while eating. It is not always obvious, but if you pay close attention, you will usually be able to pick up on the signs that they need to go.

If you are not home during the day, you should plan to get a job. Keep the puppy in the area where you want them to eliminate. If you leave them for long, they will probably go in other places you don’t want them to. They also may have accidents due to fear.

Different dogs have different personalities just like people, and they also have different “abetes”. If this is your problem, get a trainer to help you.

If you are not able to keep a close eye on your puppy, you should crate train them. Crate training is especially good for a new puppy, because it helps them learn when and where to eliminate. It is not right to just put them in the crate and forget about them, however. When you are home, let the puppy out of the crate to pee.

The faster they get used to going in the crate, the quicker they will try to hold off their elimination. They need to stay on an indoor acres, or other indoor area until they are ready to go.Iindefinitely confining your puppy to an area, may be inhumane. If you cannot be on hand to monitor them once they are eliminating, they will be sure to have accidents.

It is good to give them a special place where they can go. Maybe put their favorite toys, and fresh water inside the designated area.

“What’s the big deal”, you say. My snuggie, thinks he has to pee when he is asleep – and I can’t get him to stop. Maybe the solution could be Individual Posture Alignment Therapy?

Several options for bladder control are available. You can put them on a 6-foot leash and give them 20 minutes and then take them out. This method is OK for puppies and small dogs. It keeps them focused.

The other option is a squirt bottle. Dogs are not big fans of urine, so the little squirt leaves a fast lasting spray. It helps then to walk them for a while. Give them a favorite toy to play with.

After a few days, as the puppy learns to eliminate outside, they will get used to it. It will be a symbiotic relationship.

Reward good behavior. Use a treat. With your puppy on a leash, clip on his leash. As he is eliminating, he gets a treat. It reinforces the behavior.

Don’t punish accidents. As tempting as it might be, don’t discipline your puppy unless you catch him in the act. If you find it out later, he won’t understand. He just doesn’t get the connection.