Best Trees to Plant If You Have Pets: A Guide to a Pet-Friendly Landscape

pet safe trees

Pets bring immense joy and companionship to our lives. Whether you have a loyal dog that loves to chase squirrels, a curious cat that enjoys lounging in the shade, or a playful parrot that craves the outdoors, creating a pet-friendly landscape is essential for their happiness and well-being. One way to enhance your outdoor space for your furry and feathered friends is by planting the right trees. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the best trees to plant if you have pets. These trees not only provide beauty and shade but also offer safety and enjoyment for both you and your beloved animals.

The Importance of a Pet-Friendly Landscape

Before diving into our list of the best trees for pets, let’s understand why a pet-friendly landscape is so crucial. Your outdoor environment plays a significant role in your pet’s life, impacting their physical and mental health. Here are a few reasons why a pet-friendly landscape matters:

Shade and Shelter: An arborist book teaches trees provide shade and shelter, keeping your pets cool in the summer and protected from harsh weather conditions.

Exercise and Play: Trees create an ideal space for pets to play, explore, and exercise, promoting their physical fitness and mental stimulation.

Safety and Security: A well-planned landscape can prevent pets from wandering off or getting into potentially harmful situations.

Aesthetic Appeal: A beautifully landscaped yard enhances your property’s appearance while creating an inviting space for both you and your pets to enjoy.

Now, let’s explore some of the best trees to incorporate into your pet-friendly landscape.

The Best Trees for a Pet-Friendly Landscape

Maple Trees (Acer spp.):

  • Maple trees offer excellent shade, making them a favorite spot for pets to relax under during hot summer days.
  • They provide a source of entertainment as pets love to chase falling maple leaves.
  • Ensure your pet’s safety by cleaning up fallen leaves promptly, as some pets may be tempted to chew on them.

Dogwood Trees (Cornus spp.):

  • Dogwood trees are known for their striking blossoms and vibrant fall foliage.
  • They are safe for pets and add beauty to your landscape.
  • The low-hanging branches provide ample shade and a great hiding spot for cats.

Fruit Trees (Apple, Pear, and Cherry Trees):

  • These trees offer the double benefit of shade and delicious, pet-safe fruits.
  • Be cautious about fallen fruit, as some dogs may overindulge, leading to digestive issues.

Holly Trees (Ilex spp.):

  • Holly trees are evergreen, providing year-round shade and privacy.
  • Their prickly leaves act as a natural deterrent, discouraging pets from venturing into restricted areas.

Willow Trees (Salix spp.):

  • Willow trees are an excellent choice for pets that love to dig, as their roots help stabilize soil.
  • They provide a soothing ambiance with their gently swaying branches.

Japanese Maple (Acer palmatum):

  • Japanese maples are smaller in size and have delicate foliage.
  • They offer filtered shade, making them a cozy spot for pets.
  • Ensure they are planted in well-draining soil, as these trees are sensitive to waterlogged roots.

Pine Trees (Pinus spp.):

  • Pine trees create a forest-like atmosphere and are suitable for pets that enjoy exploring.
  • The fallen needles provide a soft ground cover that can be comfortable for pets to walk on.

Birch Trees (Betula spp.):

  • Birch trees have elegant, drooping branches and add a touch of grace to your landscape.
  • They offer light shade and a soothing rustling sound in the breeze, which many pets find calming.

Mulberry Trees (Morus spp.):

  • Mulberry trees produce sweet and juicy berries that are safe for pets.
  • These trees attract birds, which can provide entertainment for cats and other curious pets.

Crape Myrtle (Lagerstroemia spp.):

  • Crape myrtles are prized for their vibrant summer blooms and colorful fall foliage.
  • They are an excellent choice for pets that enjoy exploring and playing in the yard.


Creating a pet-friendly landscape is a thoughtful way to enhance the quality of life for your beloved animals while beautifying your outdoor space. The right trees can provide shade, shelter, and entertainment for your pets while adding aesthetic value to your property. When choosing trees for your pet-friendly landscape, consider your pet’s habits, size, and any potential hazards. Additionally, regular maintenance, such as cleaning up fallen leaves and fruits, is essential to ensure your pet’s safety.

Remember that proper planning and care are essential when incorporating trees into your landscape. Consult with a local arborist or landscaper for guidance on selecting and maintaining the best trees for your specific environment. With the right trees and a well-thought-out landscape design, you can create a harmonious outdoor space that both you and your pets will cherish for years to come.