Things to Consider Before Buying a Dog

before buying a dog

It is true that some people will never decide to own a pet. It is more common for those decisions not to be based on practicality. Like in any relationship, there is a right time to bring a pet into the home. If you find yourself tied up in a variety of situations, including a new city or a new state, it may be a better idea to put off pet ownership. But if you have researched your options and feel like you still want to add a pet to your home, here are 6 things to consider before you buy.

love and attention

Before you go out and buy a dog, ask yourself this: Do I love this animal enough to commit to them? Have you made a commitment to them? To me, pets are family members, especially if you have a child or other family members in the home. Are you prepared to give them your time, love and attention every single day?

space and exercise

It is true that if you live in a small apartment, or if you sleep in a tight rectvety, you may need to reconsider your decision to own a puppy. Small dogs are best for people who don’t have a lot of time to walk them or who don’t have a lot of expendable income. If you do own a small dog, make sure you get a good amount of daily exercise. This means walks or outings to places where they can run off leash. If you work long hours, remember that your chances of bringing your pooch to the park for a romp in the dog park are more likely to be a long-ass one.


New York state law requires that a dog be securely leashed and under control at all times when the dog is outdoors. Even the best trained dog can misbehave when they are afraid or feel threatened. Make sure you have a Boston terrier with a solid past and firmly embedded in your mind, a dog who will give you undying loyalty and love. Boston terriers are very loving and playful, and they quickly end up in the deep end of dog lover’s lakes.


A friend who runs a Florida Surveillance camera business has a Boston Terrier. Boston terriers are naturally family-oriented dogs, so they naturally gravitate toward the people in the family. Don’t be surprised to find your little Boston puppy following you around the house, snuggling up beside you on the couch, or flying into the air on the trampoline like a bouncy Bulldog. When you take time to focus on your Boston’s personality, you’ll quickly find a dog that is easy to warm up to and instantly loyal.


Boston terriers are smart dogs, but they are also strong-willed. You have to be consistent in how you treat them so they don’t get the idea that they don’t have to listen to you. Consistency is the key to how to train your Boston terrier, so if you’re not consistent it will show in the Boston’s behavior.


Look at the price tag of a Boston Terrier puppy and compare it to what a puppy of the same breed might cost you. If you know the going price for a Boston Terrier, then you can know the trick to getting a good Boston. compare prices with other similar breeds and see what you get for that price range.

You’ll be glad you did the research on Boston Terrier breeders and picked the right puppy to share with your family.